




1.当你需要我的时候 4. Your image at sunset( 黄昏时刻你的影像) 5. When you need me( 当你需要我的时

2.当你需要我时 我就是你的备胎 I'm just back up for you 当你需要我时 When you need me ...


1.Baby, 'cause in the dark you can't see shiny cars. And that's when you need me there. With you I'll always share, because. . .宝贝,因为在黑暗中你看不到闪闪发光的车辆之时,便是你需要我在那里的时刻。我总是会和你分享,因为…

2.I cannot change your past with its heartache and pain, nor the future with its untold stories, but I can be there when you need me to care.我不能改变你伤痕累累的过去,也无法左右你精彩纷呈的未来,但当你需要慰藉的时候,我就会来到你的身边。

3.Cause what kind of guy would I be If I was to leave when you need me most!因为如果在你最需要我的时候,我却离开,那我又是怎样的人呢?

4.Maybe what I can do is not so much but I'll always be with you when you need me.我能做的不多,但你需要的时候,我总是在的。

5.If I was to leave when you need me most.因为如果我在你最需要我的时候离去,

6.I'll be here when you need me even if it's for an hour or two.无论你什么时候需要我,哪怕只有一两个小时,我都会在这里等待。

7.Many times this father had promised, "No matter what, I'll be there for you when you need me. "这位父亲曾多次向儿子保证:「无论发生什麽事情,当你需要我时,我一定会在你身旁的。」

8.But I can be there now and when you need me to care.但现在我可以呆在你身边,给予你安慰。

9.Prince: Dear princess, when you need me, I will be there for you. If you ask me to give up everything for you, I will.王子:亲爱的公主啊,当你需要我时,我都会在你的身边。就算你要求我为你放弃一切,我都会愿意。

10.Nanny McPhee: When you need me, but do not want me, then I will stay. When you want me, but do not need me, then I have to go.当你们需要我,但并不想要我,我就会留下。当你们想要我,但不需要我,我就会离开。