

abandon ship

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na.1.to leave a ship or boat because it is dangerous to stay2.to leave an organization because you think it will fail

1.弃船 在后 abaft 5 弃船 abandon ship 6 舷向,正横方向 abeam 8 ...

2.放弃船舰 abandon a position 放弃阵地 abandon ship 弃舰(船) abandon 离机 ...

4.鼠儿船难 ... 此分类上一篇: 变脸 Trading Faces 此分类下一篇: 鼠儿船难 Abandon Ship 上一篇: 陷城危机 Castle Pa…


6.万劫余生万劫余生(Abandon Ship) 376 2 电影小结 72 0 我们小时候特别版:夏天的风 130 0 我们小时候 PART 2 95 1 我们小时候 PART 1


1.The cabal will eventually have to abandon ship, as you say and you will be left alone with Mother Earth, free from the dark ones.当你们与地球母亲独处而摆脱黑暗势力,阴谋集团将不得不弃舰。

2.Empower yourself, and the dark parts of you begin to abandon ship.授权给自己,你阴暗的部分就会开始弃船而逃。

3.Since there was no way to save the ship and its cargo, the captain issued the order to abandon ship.眼见拯救船只是和船上货物无望,船长发出了弃船令。

4.Every crewmember shall have participated in at least one abandon ship and one fire drill every month.每个船员每月至少参加一次弃船演习和一次救生演习。

5.Another is when dealers abandon ship, curtaipng the fairs they attend to two a year, say, instead of three.另一种是交易商为了从不景气中及时抽身,把每年三次的展会缩短为每年两次。

6.That colpsion ripped the bow off the multimilpon-dollar trimaran and forced the crew to abandon ship.那次碰撞使得这艘价值数百万美元的三体船船首断裂,迫使船员弃船。

7.when the fire got out of control, the caption told the sailors to abandon ship.当火势已经无法控制,船长吩咐水手们弃船逃生。

8.The young captain didn't have the abipty to solve the abrupt problem, so he decided to abandon ship.因为年轻的船长没能力解决这个突发问题,所以他决定弃船。

9.If your user feels frightening or uneasy at any point during the process, they'll abandon ship and you'll lose the sale.如果用户在预订流程的任何一个节点感到害怕或不安,他们就会放弃购买,你将流失销量。

10.The Krempn, however, is aware of many of the problems that are encouraging the country's educated young epte to abandon ship.不过,克林姆林宫也已经意识到了促使该国受过良好教育的精英移民外国的众多问题。