




1.在哪里 Module ten where’s 在哪里 where is 在哪里 in 在--里 ...

2.在哪儿 (know) 知道 (where is) 在哪儿 (buy one get one free) 买一送一 ...

3.在哪儿是 what's=what is 什么是 where's=where is 在哪儿是 Let's=Let us 让我们 ...

4.请问哪里是 Where is …? 请问哪里是……? How to get to …? 打扰一下,请问去……怎么走? ...

5.是本单元讲的重点句型 ... Where are they? 他们在哪儿? 2. Where is ...? 是本单元讲的重点句型。 a small cat 一只猫 ...

6.在什么地方 how much is it? 这要多少钱? where is ...? 在什么地方? can I ...? 我能不能...? ...

7.是在哪里.why中文什么意思_百度知道 ... why 是指为什么 Where is 是在哪里,是哪里的意思 why 是为什么的意思 ...


1.If, in brighter days the now extinguished fire within him ever burned for one woman who held him in her heart, where is she?在那些比较得意的日子里,如果他心中那股已经熄灭的热情曾经为某个爱恋他的女人而燃烧过,那个女人在什么地方呢?

2.For some time, indigestion and poor-sleep bothered me. This prompted me to start ponder profoundly where is the bottom of the problem.一段时间以来,消化不良和睡眠不佳的问题困扰着我。这促使我开始深刻思考问题的源头在哪里。

3.(They kiss. ) -Gossip Girl: "Where is she? And who am I? That's a secret I'll never tell. You know you love me. XOXO, Gossip Girl. "她在哪里?至于我是谁?这是我永远不会说的秘密。你知道你爱我,抱抱亲亲,绯闻少女。

4.How is tonometer used? Where is the blood pressure that how measures oneself? How much should normal person be?血压计怎么用?怎么测量自己的血压呢?正常人应该是多少?。

5.Where is the fallen leaf going to go with the wind, only to leave sky beautiful.落叶随风将要去何方,只留给天空美丽一场。

6.Where is all of our money going? Alright, let's get to the bottom of this! How many people actually touched the money?我们的钱都到那儿去了?好吧,我们来追究一下!这笔钱到底有多少人经手过?

7.CA: So, in terms of that diagnostic technology that you've got, where is that, and when do you see that maybe getting rolled out to scale.CA:那么,对于你所掌握的诊断技术而言什么时候,并且你认为什么时候这种诊断方式会规模壮大

8.But one that you might have seen in physics, we care about maybe where is the center of mass of a given object?但你们可能也在物理学中见过了,就是求一个给定物体的重心?

9.But when you are hungry, where is nothing to do but close your eyes and swallow it.但是当你饿了,而且别无他法的时候你就闭上眼睛吞了它吧。

10.Carl was more than patient, but I'll never forget his slowly enunciated softly spoken mantra to these questions: "Where-is-the-evidence? "卡尔可不止是有耐心,我永远不会忘记他如念诵咒语一般缓慢而清晰地发问:“证据何在?”