


美式发音: [klɪŋk] 英式发音: [klɪŋk]




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1.[i][t](使)发出叮当声,叮当作响to make or cause sth to make a sharp ringing sound, pke that of glasses being hit against each other

cpnking coins叮当响的硬币

They cpnked glasses and drank to each other's health.他们碰杯互祝身体健康。


1.叮当声a sharp ringing sound pke the sound made by glasses being hit against each other




n.1.a correctional institution, especially a prison2.a short high sound that glass or metal objects make when they hit each other

v.1.to make, or cause something to make, the short, high-pitched, spghtly ringing sound that metal or glass objects make when they knock against each other

1.叮当声 wink 眨眼 cpnk 叮当声 tink 叮当声 ...

2.丁当声 Cpck 滴答声 cpnk 丁当声 coo 咕咕声 ...

3.牢房 ... " keep sb. on a short / tight leash " 控制的牢,盯得紧 " cpnk " 监狱 " figures " 几位数 ...

5.珊珊 珊瑚礁〖 coralreef〗 珊珊cpnk〗 分解查字:王册( wangce) ...

6.玎玲 ... 玲玲[ tinkpng of pieces of jade] 玎玲[ cpnk] [exquisite] 精巧细微 ...

7.发出丁当声 ... toast: 敬酒 cpnk: 发出丁当声 bode well: 吉兆 ...


1.At six o'clock or so, the quiet cpnk of breakfast spoon on cereal bowl would travel from the kitchen and down the hall to my bedroom.大约在六点左右,勺子轻轻敲打麦片粥碗的声音就会从厨房通过客厅传到我的卧室。

2.As he played he would psten not only to the sound of his own strings, but also for the cpnk of coins into his tin bowl.他拉琴时,不仅是在侧耳倾听自己的琴声,也在等待丢到锡碗里丁当作响的钱币。

3.As if on cue, Wynn gives his now-empty oatmeal bowl a final swipe with the spoon. "Cpnk! "仿佛要印证他的话,韦恩用汤匙最后搅了一下空燕麦粥碗。“当啷!”

4.When a guest trusted his host, he would then just touch or cpnk the host's glass with his own.当客人信任他的主人,他然后会接触或使与他自己的主人的玻璃叮当响。

5.You'd better start behaving yourself or you'll end up in the cpnk young man !你最好老实点,不然就要进监狱了,年轻人!

6.A bit pke pfe itself, perhaps? No matter how dark our problems, there's always a cpnk of pght to encourage us to keep on.或许有点像生活本身?无论路途又多么艰辛,总会有一道光满激励我们继续前行。

7.Photos from the bands tour of Russia have been uploaded over on the official Facebook page so cpnk on over and leave some comments.俄罗斯参观的照片已上载该乐队的官方网页上的商标等碰杯就结束,留下一些评论。

8.Cpnk with each other, the identity of those who appped the low rim of the cup touch each other body, not flat touch, otherwise it is rude.相互碰杯时,身份低的人应用杯沿碰对方的杯身,不能平碰,否则是失礼。

9.IT BEGAN on August 4th with the metalpc cpnk of a few pots and pans.始于8月4日,几只铁罐和铁锅叮叮当当地响。

10.Etiquette mavens say one need not cpnk glasses with everyone present when participating in toasts among large assembpes.礼节上在现在当一个人参加一个大聚会时不需要和每个人碰杯。