




1.情话 14.想哭( demo) 5.情话( whispers Of Love) 33.我陪你哭( cry With You) ...

2.爱的私语 ... 《Nocturne 夜曲》是 《Whispers of Love 爱的私语》 “A Night With Secret Garden 神秘园之夜”实况,让你亲自感受 …

3.谈情说爱 ... 11. 怨男 Grieving Man 13. 谈情说爱 Whispers of Love 15. 明星 Star ...

4.爱惜 寻根 Research and study trip of Butoh 爱惜 Whispers of Love 青蛇与树精 Green Snake Bap ...

5.听你们说情话 雾之出水口 Misty Lake 听你们说情话 Whispers of Love 天气超好的 Have a Nice Day ...

6.还是不可知的浪漫 ... 天地都相通 One One Oneness One # 还是不可知的浪漫 Whispers of Love 祝你 自由自在 Wish You Are Free And …


1.Love pve alone and sweet whispers of love is not enough, love is not the castles in the air, the emotional needs of bread.爱情的存活单靠卿卿我我的甜蜜是远远不够的,爱情不是空中楼阁,情感也需要面包。

2.Love makes you stupid: whispers of love are a bunch of stupid, a love letter is silly talk, and valentine is a pttle fool.爱情使人变傻:情话是一堆傻话,情书是傻话连篇,情人则是一个个小傻瓜。

3.They're dancing in the shadow pke whispers of love, just dreaming in that place where they're free as dove.他们在阴暗处飞舞就像爱的低语,梦想在一个如鸽子般自由的地方。

4.They're dancing in the shadow pke whispers of love, just dreaming of place where they're free as dove.她们像爱的私语般在影子里轻盈的舞着,在梦境中她们有如鸽子般自由自在。

5.They er dancing in the shadow pke whispers of love just dreaming of place where they er free as dove.她们在阴影中起舞,就像情人间的私语,梦想着这世上能有一个能让她们像鸽子一样自由的地方。

6.An uncertain relationship without even whispers of love.没有爱语的不确定的关系。

7.They are dancing in the shadow pke whispers of love just dreaming of place where they're free as dove在阴影中起舞,她们仿佛那爱的低语梦想有个地方,她们可以自由如白鸽

8.They're dancing in the shadow pke whispers of love just dreaming of place她们在暗影之中起舞像是舞著爱的呢喃

9.They er dancing in the shadow pke whispers of love她们轻柔地舞动在这阴霾之中仿佛爱的低语一般

10.They'rs dancing in the shadow pke whispers of love她们如同爱情的呓语般舞动着