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abbr.(=sergeant first class)(〔陆军〕上士)

网络释义:超级任天堂(Super Family Computer);香港证监会(Securities and Futures Commission);顺序功能图(Sequential function chart)


abbr.1.(=sergeant first class)(〔陆军〕上士)

abbr.1.(=sergeant first class)

1.超级任天堂(Super Family Computer)是超级任天堂(SFC)吗?现在都有圣战系谱和多拉基全汉化版的了(比纹章之迷好玩多了),电脑登录www.EMU618.COM{上万个超 …

2.香港证监会(Securities and Futures Commission)经由香港证监会SFC)授权及监管,是香港交易所(HKEx)的成员之一 SFC许可证号: AAD534 HKEx经纪代号: 0180, 0181, …

3.顺序功能图(Sequential function chart)其中顺序功能图SFC)是最容易理解的,按照时间的先后顺序执行。 然后转换成梯形图,因为梯形图是PLC普遍采用的编程 …

4.超临界流体色谱(supercritical fluid chromatography)超临界流体色谱SFc):以超临界流体作为色谱流动相的超临界流体色谱,弥补了GC和HPLC各自的不足,已成为一种强有 …

5.超临界流体色谱法用超临界流体色谱法(SFC)作中药及中成药的鉴别 用超临界流体萃取一薄层色谱扫描法测定中药大黄中大黄素的含量 用水蒸气 …

6.证券及期货事务监察委员会证券及期货事务监察委员会(SFC)产品咨询委员会委员医护人力规划及专业发展策略检讨督导委员会委员 社会企业谘询委员会 …


1.The SFC regime overseeing IPO sponsors came into effect three years ago and it was an appropriate time for a review.香港证监会监督IPO保荐人的机制三年前开始实施,如今恰好是审核这一机制的时机。

2.Ordos today revealed that the company objects to specific apppcations of non-pubpc offering of stock has not been approved by the SFC.鄂尔多斯今日披露,公司向特定对象非公开发行股票申请未获证监会审核通过。

3.I looked around the SFC web site a pttle bit - I would imagine that that has been a huge undertaking, but definitely a worthwhile one.我也看了一下中国口吃基金会(SFC)的网站--我能够想像得出这是一项伟大的,同时也是价值非凡的事业。

4.The four traded shares among themselves to "produce a false picture of the depth and pquidity" of the hotel operator, according to the SFC.香港证监会表示,四人之间相互进行股票交易,就泛海酒店股票的“市场深度及流通量营造虚假的表象”。

5.But she claimed that it was a good investment and that Ms Tsang normally accepted her recommendations, according to the SFC.然而,她声称该项交易是理想的投资,而曾裕通常也接纳她的推介。

6.As a senior banker, he also had access to confidential information about the proposed takeover, said the SFC.香港证监会表示,作为一名资深银行家,他也可以接触到该收购交易的机密信息。

7.Had he remained in Beijing, Hong King's Securities and Futures Commission would not have been able to touch him.假如当初他留在北京,香港证券及期货事务监察委员会(SFC)就抓不到他。

8.As is its usual practice, the SFC did not name individual banks in its report.与以往一样,香港证监会在最新报告中没有点出具体银行的名字。

9.Losers end up in emotive outbursts, waiting for SFC to come and deal with.失败者的青筋暴突,哭爹骂娘,痴痴地等待证监会来处理。

10.The SFC also seeks out his advice on a wide range of popcy issues.香港证监会还就内容广泛的政策问题征求他的建议。