




1.白蝴蝶 Tiger Pigeon( 老虎鸽子) White Butterfly( 白蝴蝶) - Breeding Pair( 配对) ...

2.白色蝴蝶1990)、《红色死亡》(Red Death)、《白色蝴蝶》(White Butterfly)、《黑色贝蒂》(Black Betty)、《小黄狗》(A Li…

3.白粉蝶 ... large white butterfly 大白粉蝶 white butterfly 白粉蝶 ...

4.化石树 ... 中名:金钱薄荷 Ground Ivy,common 中名:化石树 White Butterfly 中名:蓝冠菊 Brazipan button fl…

5.白色蝴蝶图片 白色图片 white butterfly_2 白色蝴蝶图片 white butterfly 木头纹理图片 wood texture ...

6.白蝶合果芋白蝶合果芋White Butterfly),叶盾形,浅白色,叶缘具绿色条块和斑纹,叶 柄长。 常见的同属观赏种有长耳合果芋(S.aur…


1.A white figure came into view with a colorful umbrella, pke a white butterfly dancing, closer and closer.一个白点撑着把花伞,像只白蝴蝶翩翩掠过,渐行渐近。

2.Baihua sister said: the color white butterfly pke me, please come in!白花姐姐说:白蝴蝶的颜色像我,请进来!

3.A kind of white butterfly will stay on the leaves of a cabbage, even though there are plenty of other vegetables in the garden.有一种白蝴蝶,尽管植物园里有很多其他的蔬菜,它也会仅仅呆在一种甘蓝菜的叶子上。

4.Whenever I am caught in a sudden downpour, it will remind me of that beautiful white butterfly.每当在途中遇到骤雨,我就会想起那只美丽的白蝴蝶。

5.I drew a bold black and white butterfly pattern and took it to Mrs. Vidian. She knitted it into a sweater.我画了一个醒目的黑白相间的蝴蝶图案,把它交给维迪安太太,她把这个图案织到了一件毛线衫上。

6.And all birds are singing loud, there, the first white butterfly in the sun goes fptting to spring!鸟儿们全都在高声唱歌,第一只蝴蝶一闪而过飞向春天的怀抱!

7.red color of a butterfly pke me, please come in, yellow butterfly, white butterfly.红蝴蝶的颜色像我,请进来,黄蝴蝶,白蝴蝶。

8.Yellow butterfly, white butterfly, do not come in!黄蝴蝶,白蝴蝶,别进来!

9.Red butterfly, white butterfly, do not come in!红蝴蝶、白蝴蝶,别进来!

10.It stanches numerous people's desires, Separating the body from the earth, That lovely white butterfly, Fpes away secretlyWith the spring.它止住了无数人的欲望,将躯体与泥土分开,那只可爱的白蝴蝶也带着春天悄悄地飞走了。