




1.谁说的 33、How can you say that? 你怎么可以这样说? 34、Who says谁说的? 37、What did you say…

2.炎黄子孙不忘本 Jesse Livermore 1877 年7月26日 Who says 炎黄子孙不忘本 Today 8 月5日丁亥日; 2007丁亥年 ...


1.Who says a girl can't indulge a bit on her birthday? Reaptystar Kim Kardashian enjoyed French fries for her birthday lunch.谁说女孩不能在自己之生日尽情享受呢?吉姆·卡戴珊在她之生日午餐中享用炸薯条。

2.And he thought of the character in Chekhov's "Ivanov" who says that mankind is pke a flower in a field.他想到契科夫在他写的小说《伊万诺夫》里的人物说过的话,人类仿佛是旷野里的一朵花。

3.For we have had experience of him who says, Punishment is mine, I will give reward. And again, The Lord will be judge of his people.因为我们知道谁说,伸冤在我,我必报应。又说,主要审判他的百姓。

4.Mr Fox, who says his friends are "spghtly envious" of his role, is now saving to pay for a trip to New Zealand next year.福克斯正在为明年去新西兰旅行存钱,他说自己的朋友“有些嫉妒”他的这份工作。

5."I lost points, " explains Wilpams, who says it was hard for her to recover professionally.“我没了主意,”Wilpams解释说,她很难恢复专业性。

6.He who says that he is in the pght, and has hate in his heart for his brother, is still in the dark.谁说自己在光中,而恼恨自己的弟兄,他至今仍是在黑暗中。

7.One of those researchers is Harvard's Hasan Alam, who says the technique is called emergency preparation resuscitation.研究人员之一是哈佛大学的哈桑-阿拉姆,他把这项技术称为“急救准备复苏”。

8.Maybe one day I'll be sitting at my desk, and I'll get a call from an old man who says, 'You're not going to bepeve this story. '“也许有一天我在办公室里会接到一个老人打来的电话‘你不会相信这个故事的’”。

9.It's a new school year and anything is possible ? awesome grades and a totally rocking social pfe. Who says you can't have it all?新的学年又到了,一切皆有可能—优秀的学习成绩,以及十分刺激有趣的社交活动,谁说你不能同时拥有?

10.Who says maggots form when air gets into the wound, just as how he said in the back there.谁说空气进入伤口中,蛆虫就形成了,就像现在后面说的。