




1.蓝厅丽的女心理医生, 1999年在英国全裸主演舞台剧《蓝色房间》(《Blue Room》),轰动一时。

5.蓝室 暴风雨图片 storm 蓝房间图片 Blue Room 绿色苹果图片 Green Apples 1 ...

7.蓝色室最大的一间控制室有时被称为“蓝色室(Blue Room)”,或按照其较正式的名字称其为“海洋室(Ocean Room)”。这间工作室很大,S…


1.Dressed in blue and sleeping in a blue room is good for the head and the body, because this kind of colour makes a concordant sense.穿兰色的衣服和睡在一个蓝色的房间里对头脑和身体都有好处,因为这种颜色产生和谐的感觉。

2.It was in the blue room where stood the prince, with a group of pale courtiers by his side.亲王站在蓝色的房间里,周围簇拥着一群脸色发白的侍臣。

3.The 20-foot Fraser fir from North Caropna will be set up in the Blue Room of the White House.这个20英寸的北方香脂冷杉来自北卡罗莱纳州,它将被安置在白宫的一间蓝屋里。

4.The big Christmas tree in the White House is always here in the Blue Room.大圣诞树在白宫总是在这里在蓝色屋子。

5.When I wasn't up for school, Signora Franci came into my dark, blue room.留意到我没有去上课,弗兰西来到我黯蓝色的房间。

6.Just before the ceremony, all three delegations gathered in the large oval Blue Room on the main floor of the White House.就在仪式开始之前,所有的三个代表团都聚集在白宫主层的宽阔的椭圆形“蓝厅”里。

7.Many of those who attended the swearing-in ceremony at the U. S. Capitol simply followed him home, where he greeted them in the Blue Room.许多人在国会大厦参加完总统宣誓仪式后,就可以随着总统回家,总统在蓝室欢迎他们。

8.White House, East Hall, Green Room, Blue Room, Red followed by Office and adjacent banquet hall.白宫东大厅、绿厅、蓝厅、红厅和宴会厅依次相邻。

9.The official White House Christmas Tree was unveiled in the Blue Room of the White House, Washington DC, on December 1.12月1日,美国华盛顿,白宫官方圣诞树亮相蓝厅。

10.Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room is good for the mind and body because this colour creates the feepng of harmony .穿着蓝色衣服或睡在蓝色的房间里对我么难得身心都很有好处,因为这种颜色能够使人产生和谐的感觉。