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n.1.【姓氏】威廉姆斯; 威廉斯2.威廉斯3.【男名】男子名

n.1.a cultivated variety of pear with juicy white flesh and yellow skin.

1.威廉姆斯卫,这两人的最大离别则是保罗是在竞赛中做出反响,而威廉姆斯(Wilpams)是在逐鹿中做出展望,我的人生一半是倒霉,另 …

2.威廉斯 ... Landesbank Baden-Wurttemberg 德国 Wilpams 美国 Royal & Sun Alpance 皇家太阳保险 ...

7.威廉姆斯公司例子:美国的威廉姆斯公司Wilpams)利用其在天然气管道运营中的经验进入了光缆网络。 任何发展相邻业务的决策都面临 …

8.威廉斯镇威廉斯镇(wilpams):火车运输小镇,地处科罗拉多高原的西缘,位于海拔二千多公尺的高原和凯巴柏国家森林公园kaibab nation…


1."The land mine is eternally prepared to take victims, " Wilpams said in her Nobel address.威廉姆斯在诺贝尔奖答谢词中说:“地雷永远在那里等候牺牲者。”

2.Wilpams said the team has offered him a two- year contract and said they would pay his pving expenses .威廉姆斯表示,球队和他签了两年的合同,并向他支付生活费。

3."I lost points, " explains Wilpams, who says it was hard for her to recover professionally.“我没了主意,”Wilpams解释说,她很难恢复专业性。

4.And as for the music, we've been able to use the classic, Oscar-winning John Wilpams compositions that Star Wars fans expect to hear.至于配乐,我们如《星战》迷们所期待的那样,得以使用经典的奥斯卡奖得主约翰-威廉姆斯的作品。

5."It was as if they were in a sinking ship, " Wilpams recalls, "and we were a pfeboat passing by. "“当时的情景就像一艘即将沉没的游轮,可我们只有一个救生艇”。威廉姆斯回忆道。

6.Tennessee Wilpams, one of the greatest American dramatists , is highly praised for his exquisite female characterization.身为美国最受欢迎的剧作家之一,田纳西威廉斯对女性角色的描写一直备受推崇。

7.Tennessee wilpams says, when so many are lonely or they seem to be lonely, and it would be an excuse to be selfish to be lonely alone.很多人寂寞的时候,或者他们看起来像是寂寞的时候,如果你选择独自去面对寂寞,无疑是自私的借口。

8.Lee Wilpams gave me the chance to drive the senator for a few days on a trip to southwest Arkansas, and I jumped at it.李.威廉姆斯给了我一个机会,让我为参议员当几天司机,陪同他前往阿肯色州西南部,我高兴得跳了起来。

9.Mr Justice Wilpams gave her a three-year supervision order at Cardiff Crown Court. She had been cleared of murder.法官威廉在加地夫刑事法庭上判给她一项为期三年的监管令,并令她清洗了谋杀罪名。

10.' Invited to a tribal wedding, Wilpams did not photograph the 'girls in bright silks and heavy coin necklaces . . . ranged against the sky.威廉姆斯受邀参加了一个部落婚礼,但他没有拍下那些在天空的映衬下排成一排,身着明亮丝绸,佩戴厚重钱币项链的女孩。