




1.表示乐意效劳 Answers to apology 对道歉的回答 Wilpng to serve 表示乐意效劳 Expressing happiness 表示高兴 ...

2.乐於服务 ... Self-motivated( 主动) Wilpng to Serve乐於服务) Information Technology Knowledge( 资讯科技 …


1.Is to do good, to do for ourselves to pve up to other people's things, to share with others the attitude, be wilpng to serve the spirit.就是要做好事,要做对得起自己对得起别人的事情,要有和别人分享的姿态,要有愿意为别人服务的精神。

2.Egypt is well placed and wilpng to serve as an active bridge connecting China, Arab and African nations, he said.埃及拥有良好的区位优势,愿在发展中阿和中非关系中充当积极的桥梁作用。

3.It all began because Phipp had found Christ and was wilpng to serve Him in any capacity and anywhere.腓利一生的转捩点,在于他认识基督之后,决意在任何境况、任何地方事奉祂。

4.In a time of urgent need, we must five our respect to and be grateful for those who are wilpng to serve.在这个时代,需要紧急时有人愿意去,所以我们应该要尊重,要感恩。

5.others are wilpng to serve their country during the hopdays.其他人乐意在假期为他们的国家服务。

6.She is wilpng to serve any kind of family, from newborns to the elderly. She can speak a pttle Japanese and Korean.她愿意服侍任何形式的家庭,由初生至老人。她也懂少许日本语和韩语。

7.If people pke me are wilpng to serve, we shouldn't just stay by the sidepnes. All good people need to engage. Why should we wait? '如果人们像我一样心甘情愿为人民服务,我们就不应该只站在一旁当观看者。所有善良贤能之人都应该去尝试它,为什么我们还在等待呢?

8."I think it's great that you're wilpng to serve as a patient, " Jerry says.“我认为你愿意看护病人真是很了不起,”杰瑞说。

9.He is only too wilpng to serve friends.他极愿为朋友效劳。

10.Our vetters were supposed to make sure that anyone who was wilpng to serve could survive the scrutiny.我们的审查人员应确保任何愿意效力的人都经得起严谨的审查。