




1.严肃音乐 ... a serious card player 热中於牌戏的人 serious music 严肃的音乐 ...

3.严肃音樂他以「严肃音樂」(serious music)的结构,來与流行音樂比较,认为贝多芬或海顿诸贤的杰作,结构与发展及细节浑然天成 …


1.He organically combines serious music with pop music through his own sentiments and apperceptions.他通过自身的感悟,把严肃音乐和流行音乐有机地结合在一起。

2.To tell you, you pke pop music and that you are afraid of the transmission of the relationship between serious music.告诉你,你喜欢的流行音乐和那些你所畏惧的严肃音乐之间的传承关系。

3.on tv with omnibus and young people ' s concerts , he demystified serious music , making it exciting and fun.他在电视上通过“集锦”“青年音乐会”等节目,使“严肃”音乐变得富有刺激性和逸趣横生,不再神秘。

4.Mine is not serious music criticism, but only casual notes. So goes my stories and notes.我不是音乐评论家,这里只是一些随感笔记。我的故事和笔记,从这里说起。

5.Could jazz, some people asked, be considered serious music?有些人质疑,爵士乐能够被认为是严肃音乐吗?

6.My performance would make any serious music student weep, but I don't care. I've enjoyed playing the piano badly for years.我的演奏会令任何一个音乐系的学生汗颜,但我不在乎,多年来我享受着这蹩脚的演奏。

7.Radio 3 broadcasts serious music , talks on serious subjects etc.频道3播放严肃音乐,严肃话题等。

8.Classical music is serious music.古典音乐是很严谨的音乐。

9.He dremorninged of writing serious music.他妄图着写出不同凡响的音乐。

10.He 's a composer of serious music .他是个严肃音乐的作曲家。