




1.风与火 05:20 特别任务 2( Job Mania 2 ) 06:00 风火台( Wind and Fire) 07:00 粤语新闻( Cantonese Ne…


1.Their car in the wind and fire in the colpsion, their rockets will not Dapian, 6 machine-guns cut armor as tofu cut.他们的车在风与火中碰撞,他们的火箭决不会打偏,六管机枪切装甲如同切豆腐。

2.He said Earth, Wind and Fire will be singing together for a long time .他说,“大地、风与火”要在一起演唱很长时间。

3.Earth, Wind and Fire broke up four years ago , but they came together again to make a new record album.“大地、风与火”于四年前散伙,但是又重新组合起来,录制了一盘新的唱片集。

4.They are pnked to Body Organs and the four Elements - Earth - Air - Wind - and Fire.它们被连接到身体器官和四大元素-地-气-风-火。

5.That is the work of wind and fire. The spiritual body energy field is a pathway, or channel.那便是风与火的工作,灵性体能量场是条路径,或者管道。

6.The most primitive means of communication should be wind and fire最原始的通信方式应该是风火吧

7.Experience on Qingkaipng for the Treatment of 29 Cases of Herpes Simplex Keratitis with Liver -wind and Fire Syndrome清开灵为主治疗肝经风热型单疱病毒性角膜炎29例体会