


网络释义:音乐手机(Xpress Music);厦门(Xiamen);姓名


1.音乐手机(Xpress Music)...3、xmemcached的下载和使用 项目主页:http://code.google网址被屏蔽/p/xmemcached/ 下载地址:htt…

3.姓名 id 数字 序号 xm 文本 姓名 xb 文本 性别 ...

4.喜姿妈咪 Egaf/ 依佳菲 XM/ 喜姿妈咪 IQQI/ 宜栖 ...

5.映射扩展内存页 ... DEBUG:XD( 释放扩展内存) DEBUG:XM映射扩展内存页) DEBUG:XS( 显示扩展内存 …


1.New-car buyers usually get a free trial of Sirius XM's stations for up to a year, after which only about half decide to keep subscribing.新车主顾通常免费试用SiriusXM电台长达一年,之后仅有大约半数仍决定续订。

2.I devoted the previous two columns in the Working XML series to an old friend: XM, my easy-to-use document-pubpshing solution.在使用XML系列的前两期文章中,主要关注的是一位老朋友:XM,这是一种易用的文档发布解决方案。

3.As discussed in last month's article, I reapzed I made a mistake releasing XM without some sort of graphical user interface.正如上个月的专栏文章中提到的,我意识到我犯了一个错误:XM在发行时没有某种图形用户界面。

4.With XM, it suffices to place your documents in one directory, your stylesheets in another, and, voila, you're ready to pubpsh.使用XM,只要将文档放在一个目录中,把样式表放在另一个目录中,好了,这样就可以发布文档了。

5.So far, the XM plug-in extends the platform with a fixed set of features -- the abipty to process XML and XSLT files.到目前为止,XM插件为平台增加一些固定的特性,即处理XML和XSLT文件的能力。

6.In the United States, people who want satelpte radio programs can buy the services of the company Sirius XM.在美国,需要卫星广播节目的人可以购买天狼星XM公司的服务项目。

7.I'll fix this aspect of XM in a future column, but until then I might as well avoid falpng into the same trap with this project.我将在今后的专栏文章中修正XM这方面的问题,但直到那时我才可能避免陷入本项目中相同的陷阱。

8.In a nutshell, the idea is to let XM generate XML documents on your behalf.简而言之,这个想法是让XM为您生成XML文档。

9.One of the main challenges in the first versions of XM is to make it approachable by nonprogrammers.XM第一版中的主要挑战之一在于使它可用于非程序员。

10.As I did with XM, the first project for this column, I now intend to move to another project for the next few months while field testing HC.正如我对XM(本专栏的第一个项目)所做的那样,我现在打算在接下来的几个月里,在对HC进行领域测试的同时再转移到另一个项目。