




1.希斯 Vidomina( 维德尼娜) Xsi希斯) Dessa( 德萨) ...

2.影视级动画与绑定教程 ... XSI 影视级动画与绑定教程 Pro.Tools 时间伸缩功能的教程 ...

3.南印第安湖 ... 第六节:编辑工具面板 Edit Panel 第五章:最佳化 XSI 第一节:介面设计 Layout ...

5.限制 ... 函数 ISO C 限制 XSI ILL_ILLOPC 违法操作码 ...



1.If, however, you write an XML schema for a vocabulary which already has its own notion of type substitution, then xsi: type will not work.然而,如果针对已经具有自己的类型替换的词汇表编写XML模式,那么xsi:type不会起作用。

2.When Xsi adopted Ma-Fon as his Commander in the field, she was about to marry with a rich family.当克西任命马芬做为她的战场指挥官时(注:克西其实是女性),她正要嫁入一个富裕的家庭。

3.xsi: type is specified on an element in the instance document to replace the declared type with a derived one.要在实例文档中对元素指定xsi:type,使用派生类型替换声明的类型。

4.The vapdation cannot be robust if it depends on the content of the document, such as xsi: schemaLocation.如果验证取决于文档内容,如xsi:schemaLocation,那么验证不可能是健壮的。

5.The type encoding info (such as xsi: type= "xsd: int" ) is usually just overhead which degrades throughput performance.类型编码信息(比如xsi:type=“xsd:int”)通常就是降低吞吐量性能的开销。

6.I could have also chosen to simply omit the xsi: type attribute and it would still be a vapd encoded form.我本来还可以选择完全省略xsi:type属性,而该SOAP信封将仍为有效的已编码形式。

7.This conveys that cost has a type, and by type I mean type as defined by XSI, and that the type is float as defined by XSD.这表明cost有一个类型,所谓类型指的是XSI定义的类型,而这个类型又是XSD中定义的浮点数。

8.And Apache has removed the restriction that requires the xsi: type attribute to be present.而Apache也已解除需要存在xsi:type属性的限制。

9.The only official company to teach Softimage XSI in Thailand.是泰国唯一一间能教授。

10.SOFTIMAGE|XSI is ideally suited for the demands of fast-paced commercial production.XSI是满足快节奏商业制作需求的理想选择。