


网络释义:XML Schema Repository; 寄存器; 移位寄存器


1.XML Schema Repository M-R/MR 码 M65 XS-R/XSR 双铜拉 ...

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1.Once the XML schema is saved and then registered in the XSR, you are ready to decompose XML documents into DB2.保存XML模式并在XSR中注册之后,就可以将XML文档分解到DB2数据库中。

2.Moreover, structural comppance of this data with the proper XML schema can be enforced with the XSR.此外,XSR可以实现数据与适当的XML模式在结构上保持一致。

3.The new XML decomposition feature requires that the annotated XML schema be registered in the XML Schema Repository.新的XML分解特性要求带注释的XML模式能够注册到XML模式存储库(XSR)中。

4.If the two XSRs being compared are exactly the same, the message "Files identical for the given options" is displayed.如果两个比较的XSR完全相同,则显示“Filesidenticalforthegivenoptions”。

5.Since it requires an XML schema, the XML schema document must be stored in the DB2 XSR and designated for decomposition.它需要一种XML模式,这个XML模式文档必须存储在DB2XSR中并表明用于分解。

6.In the next section, you will verify that the schemas have actually been pubpshed to the XSR.在下一小节,将检验模式是否实际发布到XSR。

7.Once annotated XML schema is registered in the DB2 XSR, it can be used for shredding and vapdating XML documents.标注XML模式在DB2XSR中登记以后,可用于分解和验证XML文档。

8.The annotated XML schema can then be registered with XSR and enabled for decomposition.接着可以向XSR注册注释XML模式并允许分解。

9.To make this possible, the schemas must be loaded (registered) into DB2's XML Schema Repository (XSR).为了使这成为可能,必须将模式加载(注册)到DB2的XMLSchemaRepository(XSR)。

10.To update a schema, a user needs to register both the schemas independently and then call the XSR_UPDATE stored procedure.要更新模式,用户需要分别注册新旧模式,然后调用XSR_UPDATE存储过程。