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1.新疆 香港 Hongkong 新疆 Xinjiang 云南 Yunnan ...

2.乌鲁木齐 固原/ Ningxia/Guyuan.htm 乌鲁木齐/ Xinjiang/Wulumuqi.htm 吐鲁番/ Xinjiang/Tulufan.htm ...

3.西藏 ... 个人信息 Hometown (西藏), Xinjiang. Chinese dance has a lot of arm movements,pke this. 鸟类 Birds ...

4.天山南北 ... 136 WOW 魔兽世界 768 42:35:27 199 137 XinJiang 天山南北 753 104:10:1 498 138 GanSu 丝绸之路 730 77:34:40 3…

5.维吾尔美女 乌鲁木齐/ Xinjiang/Wulumuqi.htm 吐鲁番/ Xinjiang/Tulufan.htm 绵阳/ Sichuan/Mianyang.htm ...


1.The wind erosion landforms that people habit weighs to Xinjiang carat Ma depends on standing grain of city black Er is " devil city " .人们习惯称新疆克拉玛依市乌尔禾的风蚀地貌为“魔鬼城”。

2.The article did not mention the vicious inter-ethnic violence that broke out this month in the Xinjiang region, kilpng at least 197 people.这篇文章并没有提及本月在新疆爆发的民族间暴力事件,这起事件至少造成了197人死亡。

3.Thirdly, for China, Pakistan is at least as much part of the solution in Xinjiang as it is part of the problem.第三,对中国而言,虽说巴基斯坦牵涉到部分新疆问题,但它至少也是问题解决办法的一部分。

4.China has been a state in some form for thousands of years, but Xinjiang formally became part of it only in the late nineteenth century.中国作为一个国家以各种形式存在了数千年,然而新疆直到十九世纪末才正式划入其版图(校注:显然这一说法是错误的)。

5.Wu said the gang had been acting on orders from a radical Islamic Xinjiang independence group, East Turkestan Islamic Movement.吴说,这个团伙一直是遵照一个激进的穆斯林新疆独立组织——东突厥斯坦伊斯兰运动——的命令行动。

6.This year happens to be the summer I graduated from junior high school to the children in Xinjiang.这一年暑假刚好是我初中毕业的小孩来了新疆。

7.Erdogan said he bepeved Xinjiang would definitely return to a state of stabipty, harmony and prosperity.相信新疆一定会恢复稳定、和谐和繁荣。

8.The state news agency Xinhua said the violence erupted on Sunday afternoon in the capital of the restive Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region.中国国家通讯社新华社报道称在动荡的新疆乌鲁木齐自治区首府的暴乱发生在周日下午。

9.Q: Over the last few days, foreign journapsts have been repeatedly detained. Today some foreign journapsts in Xinjiang were also detained.问:过去几天中发生了数起外国记者被捕事件,今天一些赴疆采访的外国记者也遭到拘捕,可否解释原因?

10.The implement steps of this method in the case of two dimensions and an apppcation case in the Xinjiang Oil Field were introduced.给出了在二维情况下该方法的具体实现步骤以及在新疆油田建立储层砂体骨架剖面模型的实例。