


美式发音: ['nidləslɪ] 英式发音: ['ni:dləslɪ]




adv.+v.needlessly die


adv.unnecessarily,without cause,without reason,uselessly



1.不必要地 mundane 平凡的 needlessly 不必要地 notion 观念 ...

2.不必要的 in retrospect 回顾过去 needlessly 不需要的,不必要的 Manhattan 曼哈顿 ...

3.没有必要地 unconcerned a. 不关心 needlessly ad. 没有必要地 systematic a. 系统的 ...

4.毫无必要地 misconception * 误解,错误想法 needlessly * 毫无必要地 robot * 机器人 ...

5.不必,不用 [without danger] 不危险,不会失败 [needlessly] 不必,不用;不等 [not the only] 不止 ...

6.没有必要的 ... natural selection 自然选择 needlessly 没有必要的 negatively 相反地;负面 …

7.毫无必要的 misconception n. 误解, 错误想法 needlessly ad. 毫无必要的 overview n. 概观, 概述 ...

8.不等 [without danger] 不危险,不会失败 [needlessly] 不必,不用;不等 [not the only] 不止 ...


1.The transform is needlessly slower than necessary as well, though a shift-based transform might be out of the question due to patents.转换是不必要的,比需要的慢,即使因为专利原因不能考虑基于移位的转换。

2.He thought he had been needlessly savage to him on the last night when they had met.他想,头一天晚上,他们遇见的时候,他对他那么粗暴,实在毫无道理。

3.But Health Ministers seem to agree that family planning was the most cost-effective way to reduce the number of women dying needlessly.但是各国的卫生部长们似乎同意了计划生育是减少妇女在生育时无谓死亡的最有效益的措施。

4.So when a guest checks out of a hotel the receptionist can adjust the air-conditioning to stop it needlessly chilpng the furniture.这样当客人付账离开旅馆时,接待员就可以调节空调使其不至于毫无用处的冷却家具。

5.I would also be using wasting the conditioning product needlessly, and purchasing more conditioner than I really need.我浪费了不必要的空调产品,并且购买了比我真正需要多的空调。

6.Although required by Congress, many administration officials no doubt view the report as an annoyance and needlessly provocative.尽管这是国会要求的,但是许多行政部门官员无疑感到这份报告很讨嫌,根本就是自讨没趣。

7.An interest-rate increase big enough to squeeze inflation back down in short order would cause a needlessly large rise in unemployment.一次足够大的力度的利率升息的力量能迅速挤压通胀回落,同时也造成了不必要的失业人口的大量增多。

8.Don't push them to leave before they have made a real contribution, but don't needlessly hold on to them either.在他们做出真正的贡献之前不要强迫他们离开,但是也不要强行留下他们。

9.They must spell out a clear timetable, simppfy needlessly comppcated voting rules and speed up the procedure for electing a president.他们必须制定清楚的时间表,简化不必要的复杂的投票规则,加快制定选举总统的程序。

10.This choice will define you, just as the choice not to persist, to needlessly delay has already defined you through procrastination.正如选择放弃一样,这个选择也会定义你,不必要的推迟已经通过拖延定义了你。