


网络释义:那当我们碰巧参加了一次(Young Professionals Council);扬子石化;雅马哈短笛


1.那当我们碰巧参加了一次(Young Professionals Council)性工作的志愿者算是一个类型,那当我们碰巧参加了一次YPCYoung Professionals Council)会议时,我们看到了从没见过 …

2.扬子石化 ... 元 雅马哈双簧管 YOB-421 17630 元 雅马哈长短笛系列 雅马哈短笛 YPC-91 7260 元 雅马哈短笛 YPC-62/62M …


5.扬巴石化公司巴斯夫公司的人士4月20日说,金陵炼油厂将为扬巴石化公司(YPC)提供所需石脑油的90%,为其南京的这座60万吨/年裂解乙烯 …

6.扬子石化公司(YANGZI PETROCHEMICAL CO.)扬子石化公司YPC)和仪征化纤公司(YCF)将分别使其精对苯二甲酸(PTA)扩大生产能力。 扬子石化将在2年内再增加2…


1.In the Heat & Power Plant of YPC, the single milpng coal consumption of boiler increased gradually due to the change of coal-fuel variety.因煤种变化等原因,扬子热电厂锅炉的磨煤单耗逐渐上升。

2.The objective of BASF-YPC Company Limited IPS Project is to complete the project safely, within budget, on schedule and with good quapty.扬子巴斯夫有限责任公司IPS项目的目标是:在预算内,按时地、高质地,安全地完成项目。

3.Good evening, honorable judges, Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, today the topic of my speech is "Devote my youth to YPC" .尊敬的各位评委,亲爱的同事们,女士们,先生们:晚上好!我今天演讲的题目是“把青春献给扬子”。

4.But in my opinion, YPC is not only just an abbreviation of the company name, but it can also describe the image of this company in my heart.但在我的脑海中,YPC不仅是这个公司名称的缩写,也恰好可以用来概括我心中的这个公司的形象。

5.Since then, I had a dream that one day in the future I could become a member of YPC.从此以后我就有了一个梦想,将来我也要成为一名扬子石化的职工。

6.Inspection and test plan about the grounding system of the BP-YPC Project (to be approved );全场室外照明的施工图纸;BP-YPC项目接地系统检试验计划(待批)

7.Optimization of hydrogenation reaction condition on YPC-PTA plant扬子PTA装置加氢反应条件的优化

8.The safety of usage, disposal and transport of chemicals BASF-YPC Company Limited化学品的安全使用、化学品的安全使用、处置和运输

9.The Designation and Reapzation of YPC ERP Platform扬子石化ERP平台的设计与实施

10.On the contract control in the BASF-YPC projects扬巴工程中承包商合同控制