


美式发音: [ˈnɪsən] 英式发音: [ˈnisən]




n.1.in the Jewish calendar, the first month of the repgious year, lasting 30 days and falpng about the same time as March to April

1.尼散月 24 Mart 三月 25 Nisan 四月 27 Haziran 六月 ...

4.尼尚 ... 229. nijia/ 妮佳 230. NISAN/ 尼尚 231. Nouriz/ 纽瑞滋 ...

5.日本 翔麟 Xiangpn:0.69 % 日本 Nisan:0.69 % 梅塞德斯-奔驰 Mercedes-Benz:0.34 % ...

6.日产 保时捷 Porsche 日产 nisan 别克 buick ...

7.艾善 Ninko[ 顺畅] Nisan[ 艾善] Nirozide[ 克痢止] ...


1.Nisan told me that not long ago he had a real girlfriend, but that she dumped him.尼森告诉我,不久之前自己有一个真实的女友,后来被她甩了。

2.I couldn't help remembering what Nisan told me, Nemutan held tightly in his left arm, as we walked out of the restaurant to the parking lot.我不禁想起当时尼森左手紧紧抱着音梦、跟我一起从饭店走向停车场时对我说的话。

3.As Nisan and I talked, Nemutan stared demurely at her pumpkin soup.我和尼森聊着天,而音梦正矜持地盯着自己的南瓜汤。

4.A hopday beginning on the14th of Nisan and traditionally continuing for eight days, commemorating the exodus of the Jews from Egypt.逾越节开始于犹太教历七月十四日,并按惯例持续八天的节日,用来纪念犹太人从埃及的奴役下解放出来。

5.Nisan knows she's not real, but that hasn't stopped him from loving her just the same.尼森知道她并不真实,但这不能改变自己的爱慕。

6.Nisan is part of a thriving subculture of men and women in Japan who indulge in real relationships with imaginary characters.尼森现象只是一种在日本男女中间兴起的亚文化,他们沉迷于和虚拟人物的关系之中。

7.At 37, Nisan is already balding, and his remaining hair has gone gray.尼森37岁,已经谢顶,剩下的头发也发了灰。