




1.昨天和今天le、Please Please Me 专辑: 《昨天和今天》(Yesterday and Today)、《左轮手枪》(Revolver)《佩珀 军士的孤心俱 …

2.科学技术的昨天与今天 Text B E1ectronic Threats 电脑“陷阱” Unit 11 Science&TechnoIogy:Yesterday and Today 科学技术的昨天与今

3.二千年之恋主题曲 ... 04. Yesterday and today 二千年之恋主题曲 05. First Love 魔女的条件主题曲 ...

4.今昔 ... 劫洗 to loot;plunder 今昔 past and present;yesterday and today 钅喜 seaborgium ...

5.历史和现状 ... Unit 1 Introduction to China's MICE Industry 中国会展业概况 Lesson 1 Yesterday and Today 历史和现状 ...

6.过去与今天 ... 09 午夜流浪 Midnight Vagabond 10 过去与今天 Yesterday And Today 11 新天地 New World ...


1.'After the large aftershocks of yesterday and today, I've ordered all reactors to have stable access to electricity, ' he said.菅直人说,周一和周二的强烈余震过后,我已经下令所有反应堆都确保能有稳定的电源。

2.Listening to you yesterday and today, there doesn't seem to be too many concerns about the Jews.我昨天和今天听了你们的发言后,发现似乎与犹太人关联不大。

3.David explains how God connects yesterday and today with tomorrow, when he says, ". . . and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. "大卫说明了神如何使昨天进入今天再进入明天,他说,“…我且要住在耶和华的殿中,直到永远。”

4."I've had a lot of our staff calpng me yesterday and today to ask where they can get their hair cut in the correct style, " Inoue said.“昨天和今天有很多员工打电话问我在哪儿可以剪出规定的发型”,Inoue说。

5.You came only yesterday. And today shall I make you wander about with us, when I do not know where I am going?王对迦特人以太说,你是外邦逃来的人,为什么与我们同去呢?

6.So, at this point, I'm going to thank you very much for the conversations we've had both yesterday and today.那么,此时此刻,我要感谢您昨天和今天与我们的谈话。

7.What I can do is just some ordinary matters, just same pke yesterday and today.我会做的无非是一些平常的事情,就像昨天今天一样。

8.Amy had a cold yesterday, and today she`s got a headache.艾米昨天感冒了,所以今天她头疼。

9.Change, time gone, pke instant yesterday and today's different, Variable, time four splash, pke on one second and the next second gap.变,时间瞬逝,犹如昨日与今日的不同;变,光阴四溅,犹如上一秒与下一秒的差距。

10.Can I foresee the death and then treasure it? What I do is just common things, just pke yesterday and today.我能预知死亡然后珍惜吗?我会做的无非是一些平常的事情,就像昨天今天一样。