




1.你真是个天才 73.You are so clever. 你真聪明! 75.You are a genius. 你真是个天才! 60.You are so selfish. 你真自私。 ...

2.你是天才 19.You Are a Genius 第十九章 你是天才 20.Guard Your Integrity 第二十章 洁身自好 ...

3.你是个天才 ... 21.I love hearing you speak Engpsh.( 我爱听你讲英语) 22.You are a genius.( 你是个天才) ...

4.你真是一个天才 186.You are amazing. 你真了不起! 188.You are a genius. 你真是一个天

5.你很有才华 You are amazing. 你真厉害 You are a genius. 你很有才华 Well done. 做得好 ...


1.The Angel was impressed. "You are a genius, Lord. You thought of everything for this one. You even created the tear"天使被深深感动了。“上帝,您真了不起。您为这作品想到了一切。您甚至造出了眼泪!”

2.DOREEN : You give away our only boat in the middle of a flood! You are a genius, Henry. A regular Einstein.朵琳:淹大水,你还把唯一的船送人!你真是个爱因斯坦。

3.Peter: Yes, the craft is wonderful. Jacky, I never thought you are a genius.你们看,这个工艺品是由废物作成的。真神奇,不是吗?。

4.The problem with our profession is that if you win, you are a genius, but if you lose then you are useless.我们这个职业有这样一个问题,那就是如果你赢了,你就是天才,但如果你输了,你就一无是处。

5.If you can reach more than 18 seconds, you are a genius.假如你能到达以上的18秒,你是一个天才。

6.That is a great way to find out what he wants, you are a genius. Can you help me review the other lessons too?这是一个发现他想要什么的好方法。你真是个天才。你能帮我复习一下其他课文吗?