




1.标的资产 undivided surplus 未分配盈余 underlying assets 相关资产 undoing cover 解除抛 …

5.指从原生资产金融衍生产品通常是指从原生资产(Underlying Assets)派生出来的金融工具。由于许多金融衍生产品交易在资产负债表上没有相 …

6.根本资产远期合约一般到期时以根本资产(underlying assets)交割 不可交割则是到期时以现金结算差价,不交割实物。


1.ABS asks every manager for a monthly report on its underlying assets so correlation across the ABS fund can be mitigated.ABS要求每个经理人每月提交标的资产报告,这样可以减少整个ABS基金的资产相关性。

2.Economic rents are the returns above those necessary to keep the underlying assets available to the firm in the long run.经济租是指那些超出保有企业可用基本资产之所需(成本)的企业长期回报。

3.The original Bernanke-Paulson plan largely was a plan to shore up the derivatives while doing pttle about the underlying assets.伯南克-保尔森的最初计划就旨在保护衍生物产品,而对隐形资产的支持少之又少。

4.One of the goals of the SFC is to make all ETFs more comparable with each other, regardless of their underlying assets.香港证监会的一个目标,是提高所有ETF之间的可比性,而不管它们的标的资产是什么。

5.Then, we extended geometric average Asian option pricing in the cases of underlying assets with a known bonus interest rate or known bonus.然后,又分别在基础股票具有已知红利率和支付已知红利两种情况下对几何平均亚式期权定价公式进行了简单的推广。

6.A suppper of supply chain co-ordination and management services that generally does not own or operate the underlying assets and resources.供应链协调和管理服务的提供商,通常不拥有或运营所涉资产和资源。

7.Their name comes from the fact that their value "derives" from underlying assets pke stocks, bonds and commodities.它们的价值“源自”(derive)与其相关的资产:股票、债券以及大宗商品,衍生品(derivative)这一名称就来源于此。

8.The CDS market exploded to be worth as much as $50tn, many times the size of the underlying assets.CDS市场价值曾经一度膨胀到了50万亿美元,是实际资产的很多倍。

9.Market-risk teams saw them as credit instruments, since the underlying assets were loans.而市场风险小组认为它们是信用工具,因为这些产品的基础资产是贷款。

10.The aircraft lease in this article refers to the large civil aircraft or cargo aircraft for the underlying assets of the lease.本文中的飞机租赁是指以大型民用客机或货机为标的资产的租赁。