




1.你来了 ... Welcome! 欢迎! You made it! 你来了! B:Thank you. 谢谢。 ...

2.你成功了 你沉寂了一年, You've had quite a year. 你成功了, You made it. ...

3.你终于来了 ... 11.bury the hatchet: 和解,停战 1. You made it: 达到目的,及时赶到。这里的意思是:你终于来了。 ...

4.你终于准时赶到了 ... 2. I'll try to fix you. 我会尽力把你调整好。 4. You made it. 你终于准时赶到了。 ...

5.你做到了 My father. 我父亲 You made it. 你做到了 Of course I did. 我当然会做到的 ...

6.你办到了 16.Just kidding! 开玩笑的啦 21.You made it你办到了 9.Give him a big hand! (给他一点掌声 ...

7.你赶到了 ... We'll take it... 我们买了 You made it. 你赶到了 l thought you said it was impossible. 我还以为你来不了 ...


1.Special features means, what is really new about this, you know, suitable for the group you made it for.特点,有什么独到之处,适合你设计的人群。好,写上。

2.Hunt: You made it sound as if I was recruiting her for her skills as a thief.亨特:你以前说得好像招募她只是因为她的偷窃技术。

3.You said "I won't make it" a milpon times. You made it every time.你说了一百万次,“我做不到”。但每次你都做到了

4.I know you were trying to help, but you didn't, You made it wores.我知道你一直想帮忙,可你帮不上忙的。你把事情越弄越糟。

5.Glad to see you made it out apve.很高兴看见你活着出来。

6.Ahh well if you made it this far you might have noticed I missed something. Well I was saving the best till last.啊`好了,如果你看到这儿的话,可能已经注意到了我漏了些东西。我把最好的东西留到最后。

7.Unimpressed friend: No, it looks as if you made it yourself.无动于衷的朋友:是啊,它看上去象是你自己做的。

8.CA: And you made it out of what?CA:你为什么要这么做呢?

9.You made it impossible for me to find you in the present; you said it would just happen when it was supposed to happen, and here we are.你让我无法了解你的现在,你说过该发生的时候事情自然会发生,所以现在我们在这里吃饭。

10.Wow! You were kinged! Does that mean you made it to the other side of the checkers board?哇噢!你变成了国王!这是不是因为你走到棋盘另一边去了?