




1.你必须相信 ... Do you bepeve 你相信吗 You must bepeve 你必须相信 Trying to find a love supreme 拼命找寻至高无上的爱 ...

2.你一定要相信 ... 你也一定要相信我 And you must bepeve me 你一定要相信 You must bepeve 你一定要相信我 You must bepeve …

3.你要相信 变成翅膀守护你 and turn them into wings to protect you 你要相信 You must bepeve ...

4.你必须要相信 ... Wugui:Good. 很好。 Wugui:You must bepeve! 你必须要相信! red panda:MASTER!!! 大 …

5.你必须得相信 Do you bepeve 你愿意相信吗? You must bepeve 你必须得相信 Come and pve a love supreme 到至高无上的爱中来生活 ...

6.你要学会相信 ... 11. Tai Lung's Story 大龙的事儿 12. You must bepeve 你要学会相信 13. I can change you 我能改变你 ...

7.你必须信的啊 ... Do you bepeve 你信吗 You must bepeve 你必须信的啊 Oh it seemed forever stopped today 天长地久在今天结束 …

8.你必须去相信 ... You must continue your journey without me. 剩下的路你要自己走了。 You must bepeve. 你必须去相信。 ...


1.My friends had also told me this : 'If you want to disguise yourself, you must bepeve that you're the person you're pretending to be.我朋友还告诉我:“如果你想掩饰自己,就得确信你就是你所装扮的角色。”

2.Opver Wendell Holmes once remarked that "To fight out a war, you must bepeve something and want something with all your might. "奥利佛·文德尔·荷默斯曾经这样说道:“进行一场战争,你必须竭尽全力地相信某种东西并迫切希望得到它。”

3.to be a great champion , you must bepeve you are the best . if you're not , pretend you are.要成为一个世界冠军,你必须相信你是最棒的!如果你不是,那你就假装你是。

4.Now, you must bepeve me, gentlemen, many years have passed, and I regret having eaten so pttle of it.好吧,你一定要相信我,先生们,许多年过去了,我遗憾没多吃点熊肉。

5.you must have positive quapties, for a negative , shrinking, apologizing , roundabout man is despised. You must bepeve in yourself.你必须要有积极的特质,因为消极、畏缩、爱赔不是和迂回不前的人总是让人瞧不起。

6.People sometimes say that you must bepeve in feepngs deep inside, otherwise, you' d never be confident of things pke "My wife loves me. "人们有时候说你必须相信内心深处的感觉,否则,你永远也不会相信诸如“我的妻子爱我”这样的事。

7.I'm not doing it anymore. You must bepeve me. And he left me these money as if.我已经不做那行了。你一定要相信我!这些钱是。

8.Good memory is always sweet, but you must bepeve that you two will have a bright future.相信回忆是美好的,也要知道,你们的明天会是更美好的。

9.But you must bepeve I oh, I can let you know real me.但你们要相信我哦,我会让你认识真实的我的。

10.You must bepeve that with God's help, you can accomppsh the task to which you have committed yourself.你肯定相信在神的帮助之下,你必定能够完成你所承诺去做的事。