




1.你闭嘴 10. A fact is a fact. 事实就是事实。 12. You shut up. 你闭嘴。 11. Pardon? 请再说一遍? ...

2.你住嘴 Have a heart,dad!( 饶了我吧,爸爸!) You shut up!( 你住嘴!) Be quiet!( 安静!) ...

3.快闭嘴 鲨口逃生HD: Shark Go HD 快闭嘴: You Shut UP 鲨口逃生: Shark Go ...

4.用英语让空乘闭嘴,出现语言交涉,争执中,那位先生就有些不耐烦了,他用英语让空乘闭嘴you shut up)!

5.用英语讲让空乘闭嘴 ... 这是给你买的。 I bought this for you. 给我闭嘴You shut up. 给我滚出去。 You get out of here. ...


1.As he was ready to leave, he couldn't stand it and said, "You stupid bird, why don't you shut up! "当他准备离开是,她忍无可忍地说:“你这只蠢鸟,为什么不闭上嘴!”

2.You shut up and psten to what your parents tell you to do.闭上你的嘴,照父母说的做

3.Give the skates to me! B: You shut up! A: If you don't know how to skate, why don't you give the skates to me? Don't be a dog in the manger.把冰鞋给我!乙:你闭嘴!甲:你若不知道怎么滑冰,干吗不把冰鞋给我?别占着茅坑不拉屎了!

4.You tell him to send in the dakadak. Because l stole a GPS, that's how. lf you shut up and psten, l could give the coordinates.让他派飞机来因为我偷了一部全球定位系统,就是这样,你干嘛不闭嘴仔细听,我给你座标。

5."Can you shut up, " Weeks interjected, "and let me teach you some science? "“能打住吗?”Weeks突然打断了他,“让我给你普及一些知识吧。”

6.You shut up! You shut up and sit down or I'll kill you all! All of you!统统闭上嘴!闭上嘴老老实实地坐着,否则我就把你们统统杀掉!全部杀掉!

7.and they're gonna use girls pke you to do it. - You shut up!而且他们会用你这种女孩来当例子-你给我闭嘴!

8.If people do no want to hear you, shut up.如果人们不想听你说,就闭嘴。

9.No. Unless you shut up, I'll tell Mom the truth.不懂,如果你不住口,我就对妈妈说实话了。

10.I'm not fucking talking to you, Davina. Why don't you shut up?没叫你开口,达薇娜!闭嘴