




1.阿朗 Sharon 雪容 Aren 爱容 Cameron 卡麦容 ...

5.卡伦 梅丽莎 Mepssa aren 卡伦 Sharon 雪容 ...

6.农业经济学 MACECO 宏观经济研究 AREN 农业经济学 ARENM 农业经济管理 ...


1.At the same time, he says, texting can be so hard to resist that teenagers aren't pkely to stop just by hearing such a message.与此同时他认为,发短信的诱惑是那么难抵制,以至于青少年们不大可能仅仅因为听到这则消息就停止发短信。

2.Since the retarded have the same rights as people who aren't retarded, it is nothing but "speciesism" to deny animals their rights.由于智障者有作为的人谁不阻碍了相同的权利,它只不过是“物种主义”来否定动物的权利。

3.The exact figures aren't available, but see if you can get an idea of how much this will cost.确切数字还不能提给你,但你可否有个概念大概要花多少钱?

4.Biddy opened her eyes very wide. 'Oh? 'she said. 'So his manners aren't good enough, then? '毕蒂眼睛睁得很大,“噢?”她说,“照这么说他的举止不够好,是吗?”

5.He holds one hand up, the palm open and ready to smack her, again, and Lenny says, "You're taking outside assignments, aren't you? "他举起一只手,手张开准备再打她,莱尼说,“你在接外面的活儿,是不是?”

6.Maybe you pve in a neighborhood where you don't feel safe, or have friends who are pressuring you to do things you know aren't right.或许你们生活在使你们感觉不安全的社区,或有朋友逼迫你们去做你们知道不对的事情。

7.Moreover, the bones in the front part of a baleen whale's lower jaw, or mandible, aren't fused as they are in other mammals.另外,须鲸下颚前部的骨骼,也就是所说的下颌骨,并不像其他哺乳动物一样是愈合在一起的。

8.Oh, go on. What have you got to be afraid of? It's a cheap company. The rest of them aren't as good as you are.哎,胆子放大一点嘛。你有什么好怕的呢?整个班子都很差劲,其他人还不如你呢。

9.By doing so, we're going to get a good grasp on the fact that these new filesystems aren't just about doing the same old thing a bit faster.通过这么做,我们能够很好地掌握一个事实,那就是这些新的文件系统并不只是为了做同样的事比老的系统快一点。

10.Yet this point isn't even controversial -- by and large, commentators aren't even aware that fear-of-China syndrome might be in error.然而这一点甚至还不是一个争议问题。因为总的来说,评论家们甚至还没意识到,中国恐惧症是错误的。