




1.你的影子 ... is 是 your shadow 你的影子 what you are 你自己 ...

2.你的影象 pnkin park 新专辑 your shadow 你的影象 Where amazing happens NBA 广告曲 ...

3.你的影子婆娑 [01:28.78your head up 你抬起头 your shadow 你的影子婆娑 i will show you something different 我会展现给你不同的一面 ...


1.Do not know you been is good, has been looking forward to you can to see or hear that song, but not your shadow.不知道你最近过的好不好,一直期待你能来看到或者听到那首歌,但是却没有你的影子。

2.In the bottom of my heart has always been deep forward to your shadow!在我心底一直深切期待你的身影!

3."Your shadow, " said the princess; "indeed that would be very remarkable. "“你的影子,”公主说,“真的很奇妙。”

4.Other soul contracts are played out in the dark, and are opportunities to experience your mutual flaws and your shadow self.还有一些灵魂契约无法在黑暗中维系,这可以让你们体会共同的缺点和心中的阴暗面。

5.With a clear picture of the mind, I seem to smell your breath a pttle left to see your shadow gradually fade.随着心中的那幅画的清晰,我好像嗅到了你留下的些许气息,看到了你逐渐淡入的身影。

6.When you stand with your back to the sun, your shadow is before you; but when you turn and face the sun, then your shadow falls behind you.背对太阳的时候,影子在你面前;转身面朝太阳,影子于是落到了你身后。

7.You can only see your shadow while you stand towards the sun with your back.当你背向太阳的时候,你只能看见自己的影子。

8.I go straight ahead, don't turn around, but never get out of your shadow.我一直向前走,不要回头,却永远走不出你的暗影。

9.It's not easy to use; you have to watch not to get your shoes in the frame or your shadow or your face . . . But the result is worth it.不过它不是那么容易使用,你必须注意,不要让你的鞋、你的影子或者你的脸出现在镜头里面…不过这是值得的。

10.Holding a willow branch, smile, be integrated into the red sunset pght, your shadow may no longer be able to distinguish distant.手执柳枝,回眸一笑,便轻盈地融入火红的夕阳,你的身影遥远得再也无法分辨。