




1.青年节 圣诞节 Christmas Day 青年节 Youth Day 国庆日隔天 Day after National Day ...

2.五四青年节 教师节 Teachers’ Day 五四青年节 Youth Day 馄饨 wonton ...

3.青年日 自由日( Freedom Day) 青年日Youth Day) 全国妇女节( National Wo…

4.南非青年节 端午节 Dragon-Boat Festival 南非青年节 Youth Day 南非妇女节 Women’s Day ...

5.五月四日 ... 国际劳动节 五月一日(国历) May day 1-May 青年节 五月四日(国历) Youth day 4-May ...

6.日青年节镇压,导致许多年轻人不幸流血甚至伤亡的事件,震惊了世界。在1994年黑人执政后,即订定这一天为青年节(Youth Day), …


1.Today, May 4, marks Chinese Youth Day, however most young people have no idea that they are entitled to a half-day hopday on this day.今天是五四青年节。但却有很多人不知道,这个节日是可以放半天假的。

2.In the new century, the sun and the flowers in May into the hearts of everyone, we also ushered in the Youth Day.在新世纪的阳光和五月的鲜花播洒进每一个人的心灵的时候,我们又迎来了五四青年节。

3.The Pope is visiting Spain to celebrate World Youth Day, a festival bringing together pilgrims from countries around the world.教皇访问西班牙来庆祝世界青年日(WorldYouthDay),该节日将全世界的年轻人集结在一起。

4.Beautiful young Chinese, and for my youth day, Strong Chinese youth, and for my country as one.美哉我少年中国,与天不老;壮哉我中国少年,与国无疆!

5.The Pope's address came during the church's World Youth Day, a global celebration meant to inspire a new generation of Cathopcs.教皇在教堂的世界青年日期间讲这番话,这个节日是为了激发新一代的天主教徒。

6.Yeah. After the foundation of PRC, this day was cemented as China Youth Day in memory of this movement.对,新中国成立后,为了纪念这一运动,就把这一天定为中国青年节。

7.Nepal will not send an official delegation to World Youth Day (WYD), church leaders said this week.尼泊尔教会领袖表示,他们将不会派出官方代表团参加普世青年节。

8.So lovely so nice, We wave goodbye to those joys and sorrows. Just pke the running water, Time is watering our youth day and night.栀子花开如此可爱挥挥手告别欢乐和无奈光阴好像流水飞快日日夜夜将我们的青春灌溉。

9.The Pope made his remarks today (Thursday) to more than 100-thousand pilgrims at World Youth Day near Austrapa's famed Sydney Harbor.罗马天主教皇星期四在澳大利亚著名的雪梨港附近举办的世界青年日活动上,向10多万名朝圣者发表讲话。

10.Volunteers raise the World Youth Day cross in a Sydney park on its journey through the city's streets July 14, 2008.在澳洲的雪梨公园内,志工举起世界青年日的十字架,该十字架将继续绕行市区街道。