



美式发音: [dɪˈraɪd] 英式发音: [dɪ'raɪd]



第三人称单数:derides  现在分词:deriding  过去式:derided  同义词反义词


v.ridicule,scoff,put down,disparage,mock



v.1.to criticize someone or something by suggesting that they are stupid, unimportant, or useless

1.嘲笑 (wrongheaded: 顽固且错误的; (derided嘲笑; (stimulate: 刺激; ...



1.For a decade critics have derided me as a China bull for arguing that China's economy would continue to see robust growth.整整十年来,因为我持续看好中国经济强健增长的言论,评论家们一直嘲笑我是个中国吹捧者。

2.The children derided her for her fear of the snake.孩子们因她怕蛇而嘲笑她。

3.But maybe the word has simply become tainted and is seen as a proxy for that other dreaded and derided phenomenon, bureaucracy.但也可能这个词只是被玷污了,被人们视为官僚主义这一让人恐惧又备受嘲弄的现象的代名词。

4.By 1980, he was launching CNN, although it was not until the Gulf war that the often-derided channel came into its own.到1980年,特纳创办CNN,不过这个经常受到嘲笑的频道在海湾战争后才进入全盛时期。

5.Germany, by contrast, derided a decade ago as the sick man of Europe, is being held up as a model, at least when it comes to jobs.相比之下,十年前还被嘲笑为欧洲病人的德国正成为一个正面典范,至少从就业方面而言。

6.The fox ran forwards to the meat and derided to him: "if you were wise, you could be the king of the birds. "狐狸跑上去,抢到了那块肉,并嘲笑地说:“喂,乌鸦,你若有头脑真的可以当鸟类之王”

7.Alan Greenspan has been derided for his naive surprise that bank boards did not act in the best interests of shareholders.银行董事会没有按照股东的最大利益行事,艾伦•格林斯潘(AlanGreenspan)曾对此天真地感到意外,并因此遭到外界的嘲笑。

8.Jack Welch, much admired for his achievements as chair-man of General Electric, was later derided for his retirement perks.杰克‧威尔许在任奇异电器董事长期间其成绩大受褒奖,但最后却因退休金过高而遭人非议。

9.Facebook has disguised the system as a simple upgrade to Flyers , its much-derided system for selpng cheap ads on a self-service basis.Facebook将该系统伪装成一种简单的Flyers升级版,后者在自我服务的基础上销售廉价广告,因而备受诟病。

10.Where Democrats derided her background as a small-town mayor, she repped that such experience gave her a feel for real Americans.对于民主党人嘲笑她是小镇镇长出身,她回敬说,这样的经历令她感受到了真正美国人的生活。