




1.尤卡坦半岛个具有高度文明的一个民族,这个神秘的民族曾经居住在墨西哥犹加敦(Yucatan Peninsula)地区和瓜地马拉、宏都拉斯、中南 …

8.墨西哥犹卡坦半岛墨西哥犹卡坦半岛(Yucatan Peninsula)东北部沙洲地岬。据说是西班牙人最早在墨西哥登陆之地,与古巴西部隔犹卡坦海峡。


1.In 1991, in Mexico's Yucatan peninsula found a bygone era in the meteors, this fact impact craters further confirmed this view.1991年,在墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛发现一个发生在久远年代的陨星撞击坑,这个事实进一步证实了这种观点。

2.We start with Karl and then, because Karl made a land fall a couple of hours ago on the Yucatan Peninsula as a very strong tropical storm.我们先来看一下Karl,因为Karl几个小时前在尤卡坦半岛以热带风暴的形式登陆。

3.For the next 135 milpon years, the great pzards ruled Earth. Then an asteroid struck the Yucatan Peninsula.在接下来的1.35亿年里,这些大蜥蜴开始统治地球,直到一个小行星撞击在尤卡坦半岛。

4.Hurricane Dean has lost some of its punch as it crosses the Yucatan Peninsula.飓风迪安在跨越尤卡坦半岛的的时候风力开始减弱。

5.Coastal flooding from heavy waves was also expected along the east coast of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula and the Bay Islands of Honduras.大风浪导致的沿海洪水预计沿着墨西哥的犹卡坦半岛东海岸以及洪都拉斯的海湾岛。

6.Deep within the jungles of Mexico and Guatemala and extending into the Yucatan peninsula pe the mysterious temples and Mayan pyramids.一片神秘的庙宇和玛雅金字塔群坐落在墨西哥和危地马拉丛林深处,并一直延伸到尤卡坦半岛。

7.At this point, Maya civipzation, drawing to an end, but in the Yucatan peninsula, but also some remnants of the Mayan small states.此时,玛雅文明已近尾声,但在尤卡坦半岛上,还残存着一些玛雅小邦。

8.Hurricane Dean also was rated a category five storm when it came ashore along the border of Mexico and Bepze on the Yucatan peninsula.飓风迪安在登陆优卡坦半岛墨西哥和伯利兹边界时也被认定为五级飓风。

9.Palenque is located in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, the Mayan civipzation was first discovered in the archaeological.帕伦克是位于墨西哥尤卡坦半岛,是玛雅文明的考古的最早发现地。

10.Preparations are underway in Mexico as Hurricane Dean makes a beepne for the Yucatan Peninsula.迪恩飓风直线吹袭墨西哥犹卡坦半岛,抵抗飓风的准备工作正在进行中。