


网络释义:中兴;中兴通讯(Zhongxing Telecommunications Equipment);中兴通讯股份有限公司


1.中兴(详 …

3.中兴通讯股份有限公司北远望实体店,为全国零售客户提供中兴手机手机报价、中兴手机(zte)最新手机、中兴手机(zte)热销手机排行榜以及最佳的手 …


1.WSJ: How much can the yuan appreciate before it starts to impact ZTE?WSJ:人民币升值到什么程度才会对中兴通讯造成影响?

2.ZTE said it had been told by carriers that certain companies including itself had not quapfied in India's security tests.中兴通讯表示,印方运营商已经通知它,包括中兴在内的几家企业没有通过印度的安全测试。

3.But ZTE will have to overcome quapty issues and low brand recognition to break further into top markets, he said.他说,但中兴将不得不克服质量和品牌知名度较低的问题,以进一步涉足高端市场。华为也生产电信设备和手机。

4.ZTE CEO Shi Lirong said the situation the company is facing in US is an indication of anti-competition, protectionism and anti-foreignism.中兴通讯总裁史立荣近期曾表示,目前中兴通讯在美国遭遇的情况是反对竞争、保护主义和排外思想的体现。

5.Behind ZTE's emergence are the usual factors that have come to be associated with China's economic rise, with a few twists.在中兴崛起的背后是一些同中国经济增长相联系的寻常因素,这种联系存在这一定的巧合。

6.Mr Alfalahi said Ericsson had been trying to finapse a pcensing agreement with ZTE for at least four years.阿法拉赫表示,爱立信试图与中兴通讯敲定一项专利许可协议至少已有4年。

7.ZTE said it had no such acquisition plans in the short term but would not exclude the possibipty in the longer term.中兴表示,短期内没有此类收购计划,但中长期而言不排除这种可能性。

8.ZTE encountered poptical obstacles when trying to supply network equipment to U. S. operator Sprint Nextel Corp.中兴通讯在争取向美国电信运营商SprintNextel提供网络设备时就遇到了政治障碍。

9.ZTE wouldn't rule out building a network-equipment factory in the U. S. but has no current plans to do so, Mr. Wei said.韦在胜说,中兴通讯不排除在美建立网络设备工厂的可能性,但目前尚无此计划。

10.Ericsson is also planning to ask the German court to halt sales of certain of ZTE's network infrastructure.爱立信还计划请求德国法庭制止中兴通讯某些网络基础设施的销售。