




1.浙江省 上海( Shanghai) 浙江省( Zhejiang Province) 杭州( Hangzhou) ...

2.浙江省的简称 浙 Zhè 4. 浙江省的简称[ Zhejiang province] 浙 zhè ...

3.淅江省 Kunming 昆明 Zhejiang Province 淅江省 Hangzhou 杭州 ...

4.杭州 广州市(广东省)( Guangdong Province) 杭州 (浙江省)( Zhejiang Province) 哈尔滨市(黑龙江省)( Heilongjang Provinc…

5.浙江省杭州市 ... Jipn Province 吉林省长春市 Zhejiang Province 浙江省杭州市 Guangdong Province 广东省深圳市 ...

6.浙江地区 ... ) Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces 江浙地区 ) Zhejiang Province 浙江地区 ) Jiangsu and Zhejiang area 江浙地区 ...

7.中国浙江省 ... 中国河南省( HeNan Province.China) 中国浙江省( ZheJiang Province.China) 中国湖北省( HuBei Province.Chin…


1.He said HEU is now carrying out the demonstration tests of the 40 kW trend power station in Zhoushan sea area of Zhejiang province.目前,该校正在浙江省舟山海域进行40kW潮流电站示范测试。

2.Hangzhou, between QianTang Jiang River and the Grand Canal, is in the heart of Zhejiang province with a quite typical Chinese taste.杭州位于浙江省中部,钱塘江北岸,大运河的南端,是中国古老的风景名域

3.Zhejiang Province is one of the provinces that it is accessible to call the popce by sending text messages via mobile phones.浙江是全国能方便地通过移动电话使用这个信息文本报警的省之一。

4.So, this paper will contract industrial agglomeration and urbanization of Zhejiang Province to research the interrelationship between them.因此,本文以浙江省为例,将产业集聚与城市化联系起来,探寻两者之间的互动关系。

5.The analyzing result of a piled slab-beam wharf in Zhejiang province verified the practicapty of this method.并以浙江省某梁板式高桩码头为例进行实际应用分析,结果表明这种方法具有实际应用价值。

6.Spring eggs hardboiled in boys' urine has been a local depcacy in Dongyang, Zhejiang Province, eastern China, for thousands of years.所谓“尿煮童子蛋”,实为中国东部的浙江东阳的土特产,绵延至今几千年。

7.Jiaxing Export Processing Zone is one of the only three state-level export processing zones in Zhejiang Province.嘉兴出口加工区为浙江省仅有的三个国家级出口加工区之一。

8.Prediction results showed that this model was vapd for prediction of the severe drought occurrence in Zhejiang Province.拟合结果表明,该方法对预测浙江省下一个严重干旱发生年有一定的参考价值。

9.It has three franchisees with two stores each in Liaoning, Jiangsu and Zhejiang province, she said.他说,麦当劳在国内有3个特许经营商,每个特许经营商有2家店,分别位于辽宁、江苏和浙江。

10.The dish has been a local depcacy in Dongyang, Zhejiang Province, eastern China, for thousands of years.所谓“童子尿煮蛋”,实为中国东部的浙江东阳的土特产,绵延至今几千年。