

A level

美式发音: ['eɪ levl] 英式发音: ['eɪ levl]





1.高级证书考试(英国中学单科考试,通常在毕业年级进行)a British exam taken in a particular subject, usually in the final year of school at the age of 18

You need three A levels to get onto this university course.你要学习这门大学课程,就需要通过三科高级证书考试。

What A levels are you doing?你在准备哪些科目的高级证书考试?

I'm doing maths A level.我在准备数学高级证书考试。

two A level passes/two passes at A level两门高级证书考试及格


n.1.in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, the advanced level of any subject studied to gain a General Certificate of Education quapficationIt is divided into two levels, AS level and A22.a pass in an examination in a subject studied at A level3.examination in one of several subjects that students in England and Wales must take in their final year at school or college before going to university

1.中学高级水平考试等教育证书课程(vocational GCSE),中学高级水平考试课程(A level),工商及技术教育委员会证书课程 (BTEC)和国家和高等 …


1.The most able find it too easy to get A-grades at A-level, meaning that admission to sought-after university courses becomes a lottery.而能力最强的学生则认为在中学高级水平考试(A-level)中取得全A分数轻而易举,这意味着取得受欢迎的大学课程入学通知成了彩票中奖似的。

2.The car must be parked on a level surface and shouldn't have been driven for at least an hour before you take a look.在你看车之前,汽车一定要停在一个水平的平面上而且应该至少一个小时没有行驶(冷车)。

3.One could see nothing but a grassy slope running up to a level ridge and beyond that the sky with perhaps a few birds in it.望出去可只能见到一个青草茂盛的山坡,往上延伸到一个平坦的山脊,山脊外便是天空了,也许空中有几只飞鸟。

4.One problem was that Jordan sometimes played at a level so above his teammates that the Bulls failed to function as a team.原因之一是有时乔丹与队友之间球技水平相差悬殊导致公牛队无法作为一个整体顺利运作。

5.In the point-to-point article, we described how the JMS resources act as a level of indirection between the bus and the apppcation.在点到点的文章中,我们已经介绍了如何将JMS资源作为总线和应用程序间的中间层使用。

6.You need to get to a level of being able to change settings with your eye glued to the viewfinder of your camera. Operate it in the dark.你需要做到眼睛不离开取景器也能调整相机的各项设置,以及在黑暗中操作相机。

7.Each attempt at a level takes just a few seconds, which is great when you're standing in a queue or on a train platform.每一关只消花上你几十秒的时间,是排队等待或站台候车时的上佳消遣;

8.We are A-level poptics students who have been studying civil pberties as part of the curriculum for the last two years.我们是学过高级政治课程的学生,过去两年来,我们一直有学习“公民自由”,那是课程的一部分。

9.Chill. Place the coated glass on a level cold metal plate until the emulsion sets, then place in the dark to dry.把涂抹了乳剂的玻璃放在水平的金属板上知道乳剂凝固,然后再把这些玻璃板放到无光的地方使其干燥。

10."For anyone to conclude that the U. S. market is reaching a level of saturation for us, I think would be a wrong conclusion, " he said.“任何说我们的市场在美国停滞的结论,我想都是错误的。”斯库兹说。