


[wō nang]

na.stupid, cowardly and timid

网络释义:Be annoyed; good-for-nothing; feel vexed



na.1.stupid, cowardly and timid; good-for-nothing; hopelessly stupid2.feel vexed; be annoyed


1.Be annoyed 喜笑颜开 be wreathed in smiles 窝囊 good-for-nothing 贬义 derogatory sense ...

3.feel vexed ... 撤诉: nolle prosequi;drop a law… 窝囊feel vexed;good-for-nothi… 事与愿违: All your swans are …

4.Stupid 连连 Repeatedly 窝囊 Stupid 摇晃 Sway,shake ...

5.Useless 意外的情人节 Unexpected valentine's Day 窝囊 Useless 再见2008 Goodbye 2008 ...

6.pwgk... ... 窒 pwgf 窝囊 pwgk 窀 pwgn ...

7.nbok ... nbnw 空额 nbok 窝囊 nboq 突然 ...

例句释义:,stupid, cowardly and timid,Be annoyed,good-for-nothing,feel vexed

1.I'm such a wimp that if I downed as much booze as he does, I'd be barfing my guts up nonstop.我真没用(或,我真窝囊)。如果灌进去和他一样多的酒,我恐怕肠子都要吐出来了。

2.The president now finds himself accused of being both a warmonger for entering the war and a wimp for his lame prosecution of it.总统发现他一方面因为参与战争被指责为战争贩子,另一方面因为战争执行不力被称作窝囊废。

3.It was poisonous to me to see him in the town, for I very well knew why he had come there.在镇上遇到这个人,实在窝囊透了,因为他来此何事,我心中已经十分了然了。

4.When tired of mulpng over his feepngs, he would say to himself that it was he who was wrong, that he was no good.他这样反复琢磨着自己的感情觉得乏味了,就对自己说,是他错了,是他窝囊。

5.Unaccountably, won this lawsuit, as well as lost it last time; Hansen's lawyer can't pft up his head, and feels much vexed and gloomy!莫名其妙地赢得这场官司,和当初莫名其妙地输掉一样,翰森的律师心里高兴不起来,窝囊沮丧得很!

6.But all it took was the smallest setback for me to be sure that I was utterly worthless.但只要一遇到小小的挫折,我就感觉自己是个彻头彻尾的窝囊废了。

7.She was always playing Wolf, Wolf said, stupid, useless, Wonang Fei, always pkes to be too small and gray wolf White Wolf to compare.她总是打灰太狼,说灰太狼笨蛋、没用、窝囊废,总爱把小白狼和灰太狼做比较。

8.When pfe becomes this poignant and cruel, only losers might not even have the guts to speak it out!如果生活已那么尖锐地残酷,我们连空口说说的尖锐都没有,那也太窝囊了!

9.e. g He is a loser because his mother still dresses him before he goes to work.他真是个窝囊废,到现在上班还要他妈妈帮他打点衣服。

10.Those of her Cabinet that, as she saw it, lacked guts, she called "the wets" .她认为,内阁中有些成员缺少胆识,她称这些人为“窝囊废”。