




1.坏女人赋予"鹤"以"蠢人(a foopsh man)、坏女人(a bad woman)"等特征。


1.Nobody gave and answer . Only the pious said she was a bad woman. While some of the good women kept silence. They knew.无人解开谜底,只有那些教徒们说她是不忠的女人,但一些本份的女人却保持缄默,其实她们心里明白。

2."No. I don't want to be back to a bad woman, and I'd rather be an innocent girl. " said Gray.“不。我不想变回那个坏女人,我更想维持一个天真的女孩的样子”灰原哀说。

3.Now the water rises above flowerpots hit you with a bad woman, but in any case you have to find ways to cpmb up to.下面水不断上涨、上面有坏女人用花盆砸你,但无论如何你必须想办法爬上去。

4.In her childhood, Lily thought that Pan Jin Lian was a bad woman, and Xi Men Qing was a bad man.小的时候,莉莉盒认为潘金莲是个坏女人,西门庆是个坏人。

5.I'm tough, I'm ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. If that makes me a bad woman, Okay.我吃苦耐劳,我野心勃勃,我亲楚地知道自己想要什么。假如因此我就成了一个坏女人,那也无所谓。

6.A bad woman raises hell with a good many men while a good woman raises hell with only one.坏女人会埋怨好多男人,而好女人则只埋怨一个男人。

7.I'm tough, I'm ambitious , and I know exactly what I want. If that makes a bad woman, okay.我吃苦耐劳,我野心勃勃,我清楚地知道自己想要什么。假如因此我就变成了一个坏女人,那…

8.In my mind's eye, she was not a bad woman.在我脑海里,她不是一个坏女人。

9.Up till now, would you describe yourself as a bad woman or a good woman?到现在,你会形容自己是一个好女人还是坏女人?

10.Well, ' I asked impatiently at the end, 'isn't Mrs Reed a bad woman? Don't you agree with me? '最后我不耐烦地问:“怎么样,里德太太难道不是坏女人?你不赞成我吗?”