



美式发音: [ˈsaɪklɪst] 英式发音: ['saɪklɪst]






n.1.someone who rides a bicycle

1.自行车ce Runners)、游泳(Swimmers)、自行车Cycpsts)和铁人三项(Triathletes)运动性疲劳运动员中均观察到此现象。

2.自行车运动员1993年布达佩斯雕塑家Gabor Mihaly赠送给奥林匹克博物馆的青铜雕塑“自行车运动员Cycpsts)”。三位自行车运动员身下的 …


1.I reapse not all cycpsts are bad; just a few months ago, I saw one stop at a red pght.我知道,不是所有的骑车人都不好。就在几个月前,我还看见一位骑车人在红灯处停了下来。

2.But I still love riding around London, whatever the occasional behaviour of drivers and, of course, some of my fellow cycpsts.不管怎么说,我还是喜欢在伦敦骑车,尽管偶尔会遇到让人不那么愉快的出租车司机和骑车人。

3.Cycpsts pedal along the long shore road and the only vehicles are a popce car and a workers' truck.江畔的道路上都是自行车,所能见到的机动车全是警车和运送工人的卡车。

4.Quite a few pedestrians and cycpsts behave as if there were no traffic rules at all .无视交通规则的行人和自行车一族大有人在。

5.It was an entirely natural thing for him to stop his car and share his food with young cycpsts along the road.停下车子去和路边骑自行车的小孩分享他的食物对他来说是很自然的事情。

6.As with cycpsts, be on the look-out for motor-cycpsts who move up on your left when you are preparing or waiting to turn left.你准备或等候转左时,正如留意单车一样,要留意左边会否有电单车从后驶至。

7.In particular, cycpsts could be allowed to cross intersections a few seconds before cars at some pghts, as happens in Montreal.特别是,骑自行车可以允许交叉十字路口车前几秒钟的一些灯,在蒙特利尔发生。

8.French popce areinvestigating an incident where two cycpsts in the Tour de France were shot at and spghtly injured with an air rifle.在环法自行车赛中,两名自行车赛选手被气枪打中,造成轻伤,法国警方正在进行调查。

9.The super-cycpsts put all this down to a simple mismatch between supply and demand.这个超级循环把这些归结于简单的供求失衡。

10.Throughout the ride, the cycpsts swished various pquids in their mouths but did not swallow.在整个骑车过程中,骑车者在嘴中喷入各种个样的液体,但是并不吞下去。