




1.一个生日蛋糕 ... Just another roll of flaws 不过是另一阵风 A birthday cake 一个生日蛋糕 Without candles 没有蜡烛 ...

2.一块生日蛋糕 have lunch together 共进午餐 4. a birthday cake 一块生日蛋糕 5. make a birthday cake for 给…做一块生日蛋糕 6. ...

3.一个中文词语或英文单词输入一个中文词语或英文单词(例如a birthday cake)后点查询即可英语单词大全 > a birthday cake a birthday cake是什么意思 a b…


1.He spoke of his love for his wife, Jai , and had a birthday cake for her wheeled on stage.他表达了对妻子婕的爱,在演讲现场推上了送给妻子的生日蛋糕。

2.In the end, we decided: to cake shops to buy a birthday cake for her mother.最终,我们决定:去蛋糕店为妈妈买一个生日蛋糕。

3.It turned out to be a mass sing-along of "The One" (also from 100 Days), with Jun Yang joining in, and presented him with a birthday cake.现场大规模合唱「转动」(也是100天专辑里的歌曲)。洪俊扬也加入这场合唱,及带出一个生日蛋糕送给俊杰。

4.At the end of a concert in Germany recently, Justin Bieber gave his mother a birthday cake.在最近德国演唱会结束时,小贾斯汀送给妈妈一个生日蛋糕。

5.As a personal gesture, he would be surprised with a birthday cake, a sheet cake with chocolate frosting, made by the base's own chefs.作为个人,他将会因为生日蛋糕而感到惊奇,这是个基地厨师做的巧克力霜冻蛋糕。

6.I will book a birthday cake in a store, then cook a dinner for her, and celebrate her birthday with her.我会在一家蛋糕店里订一个蛋糕,然后等到了晚上就煮一些妈妈喜欢吃的菜,为她庆祝。

7.She tried making a birthday cake for her mum, but she blew it.她试图为妈妈做一个生日蛋糕,但是她搞砸了。

8.Yesterday, Annie tried to make a birthday cake for her friend.昨天安妮尝试亲手为她朋友做生日蛋糕。

9.Yesterday, near the end of the working day, my colleagues Celebrate birthday with me, my company buy a birthday cake.昨天,快下班时,同事们和我一块过生日,公司帮订的蛋糕。

10.He arrives early in his new car and with a birthday cake. He surprises Canday Cat and she cuts off too much hair.她男朋友开着车带着生日蛋糕早早地来了,他惊讶于凯迪卡特剪得过短的头发。