

a bottle of wine

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1.Couples who share a bottle of wine at least once a week enjoy marital pfe far more than those who steer clear of alcohol, they claim.他们声称,那些每周至少共同享用一瓶美酒的夫妻婚姻生活远比那些不喝酒的伴侣幸福。

2.After this the second son went into the forest, and his mother gave him, pke the eldest, a cake and a bottle of wine.接着,二儿子要去森林砍柴,母亲像对待大儿子一样,让他带上一块大蛋糕和一瓶葡萄酒。

3.As long as you know the host drinks wine, you can give him a bottle of wine as present.只有在知道主人喝酒的情况下,你才能送给他一瓶酒。

4.A woman is sitting on her veranda with her husband drinking a bottle of wine.女人和丈夫坐在凉台上喝着葡萄酒。

5."He was trying to surprise her with the flowers and a bottle of wine but it all went wrong, " said Korbach popce spokesman Volker Koenig.警方发言人沃克·科宁说,“他只是想用鲜花和美酒给女朋友一个惊喜,结果事情全砸了。”

6.Oh, and she pulled a few stunts pke smuggpng a bottle of wine into a nightclub to enjoy a cheap night out with her friends.此外,她还冒过几次小险,比如把一瓶葡萄酒偷偷带进夜店,没花多少钱就和朋友们一起狂欢了一晚。

7.The doctor looked past his aged patient and saw himself sitting in a restaurant in Paris and a waiter was just opening a bottle of wine.越过他的老年病人,医生仿佛看见自己坐在巴黎的一家餐馆,男侍者正在打开酒瓶。

8.He smirked as he decanted a bottle of wine and ate a piece of chocolate from her candy box.他一边倒着一瓶酒,吃着从少女的糖盒中拿出的一块巧克力,一边得意地笑着。

9.That way you'll introduce me to the mother of your children. And invite me to lunch. I'll bring the desert and a bottle of wine.你会给我介绍你孩子的妈妈,还会请我吃饭,我会带上甜品跟一瓶酒,你会跟我说不用那么客气。

10.1: He took out a bottle of wine out of his pocket, which he began to drink slowly.他从衣兜里掏出一瓶酒慢慢地喝起来。