




1.三口之家 apartment house 公寓 a family of three 三口之家 single room 单人房 ... ...

2.家庭的伤痛 sixteen-year-olds 十六岁大的人 a family of three 一个三口之家 basketball fan 篮球迷 ...

4.一家三口 ... 110 存活率 The survival rate 110 一家三口 A family of three 112 小赌徒 The child gambler ...


1.Logo design from the point of view pke the image of a family of three hugged and music, the performance of family harmony.会徽图案从形象上看犹如一个三口之家相拥而乐,表现了家庭的和睦。

2.Her brother told us that she was the last of a family of three to be plucked from the rubble.她的兄弟告诉我们她是这家三口人最终最后一个废墟从中挖出的人。

3.There was a family of three people hear me to ask the way, the young couple holding a pttle boy of seven or eight, suitcase came to me.有一家三口人听见我问路,年轻的夫妇牵着一个七八岁的小男孩,拖着行李箱向我走来。

4.Her husband does have a job, but one salary is not enough to cover the high cost of pving in Capfornia for a family of three, she said.她说,她丈夫也工作。不过在加州,一个人的工资无法养活一个三口之家。

5.For a family of three, these costs add up to around 2 milpon yen ($25, 000) over two years, according to an estimate by Okinawa prefecture.据冲绳县估计,对于三口之家来说,两年内的这些开销加起来相当于200万日圆左右(约合2.5万美元)。

6.This bucket would be a perfect choice for a family of three.我认为这份全家餐适合三口之家。

7.We are a family of three eating glowing of sweet rice balls, a real insight into the round and round affection.我们一家三口吃着白白胖胖的汤圆,真正体会到了团团圆圆的亲情。

8.A bottle of oil this size is the recommended weekly amount of cooking oil for a family of three.一个油壶正好是一家三口一周的食用油量。

9.Waste separation is not difficult for a family of three.垃圾分类对于一个三口之家来说难度不大。

10.Who says apartment only is suitable for newlyweds, who says apartment just prefer a family of three.谁说洋房只适合新婚夫妻,谁说洋房只偏好一家三口。