




1.拳头 指甲 a nail 拳头 a fist 胡子 a moustache ...

2.拳头母akka and "虱母(a louse)", "拳头母 (a fist)" in Southern-Mi Through this it is presume that the reversed words which do n...

3.单音节重读闭 ... C. famous 重读开 A fist 单音节重读闭 B behind 重读闭 ...


1.Sam made a fist-- hard, his conviction surprising me for the first time, but not the last-- and I was a goner .塞姆攥起了小拳头--紧紧地,他的信念使我第一次但并不是最后一次感到惊奇--我已经无可救药地爱上了他。

2.Camel Hill looks to my eye pke a fist, closed except for a thumb pointing to the sky, while Elephant Trunk Hill looks pke a simple arch.在我看来,骆驼山就像一只四指朝天的拳头,而象鼻山看起来像是一座简陋的拱桥。

3.When that happens simply close your hand into a fist and hold it flat against the front of your leg.这个时候只需要把手握成拳头,静静放在裤子的正前方。

4.I couldn't help it! When a fist comes at your face, you duck! Look! -What is the matter with you?我不由自主地!当一个拳头向你脸上打来时,你也会闪开!看!-你怎么回事?

5.His insides clenched pke a fist. He could not tell her the truth. He drank the last of his firewhisky to avoid answering.他的内脏像拳头一样紧紧收缩。他不能说出实情,于是便举杯喝下最后一滴酒,省得回答。

6.He jerked from his thoughts as a fist punched into his jaw, snapping his head to the side.一个拳头殴丨打他的下巴让他思想停顿,他的头捕跌去一边。

7.Ask the patient to make a fist, extend and spread his fingers, flex his wrists, and extend them, and move his hands laterally and medially.要求病人手握成拳,然后伸展手指,弯曲手腕,尽可能舒展开来,并使病人的手的侧面和中间部位活动。

8.EXAMPLE: My nervous brother is always afraid of contracting germs from other people so he offers friends a fist bump when he meets them.我紧张的兄弟总是担心从别人那里感染细菌,所以在见到朋友的时候,只是和他们碰了一下拳。

9.We were riding on the subway when I noticed that he had a missing thumb. He always balled his left hand up into a fist.我们一起在地铁里,我注意到他少了一个拇指,他会习惯性地把左手握成一个拳头。

10.Recently, a few members of the "Ci Ma" film production crew were involved in a fist fight with local villagers over a traffic accident.《刺马》剧组和当地的村民因为一点交通意外发生了冲突,甚至打架。