




1.一粒麦种 Wa Thiong'o Ngugi 恩古吉 A Grain of Wheat 一粒麦种 Gabriel Okara 加布里埃尔奥卡 …

2.一颗麦粒 184 Eternal Youth 永恒的青春 185 A Grain of Wheat 一颗麦粒 188 Orion 奥利安 ...

3.一粒麦子 a grain of meteor 一个流星 a grain of wheat 一粒麦子 a grain of rice 一粒米 ...

4.一粒小麦 ...a grain of wheat. 一粒小麦 ...rice grains. 米粒 ...

5.一粒谷子 ... a grain of rice 一粒米 a grain of wheat 一粒谷子 a grain of salt 一粒盐 ...


1.The Lord is a grain of wheat, and there is no other way for that grain of wheat to increase except for it to fall into the ground and die.是一粒麦子;要叫这粒麦子扩增,别无他途,除非让它落在地里死了。

2.The power of a grain of wheat to grow into a plant remains latent if it is not planted.如果不种植,一颗麦种长成一株植物的力量仍然潜在着。

3.A pttle red hen once found a grain of wheat. "Who will plant this wheat? " she asked.一次,一只红色的小公鸡找到了一粒小麦。“谁愿意种植这粒小麦?”她问。

4.A pttle red hen once found a grain of wheat.一次,一只红色的小母鸡找到了一粒小麦。

5.Unle a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remain alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.除非麦粒落入地球的宿命,它仍然单独;

6.Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it will simply remain one grain and will never produce anything.一粒麦子若不落在地里死了,仍旧是一粒,绝不会产生什么。

7.In a sense, the Lord sowed her there as a grain of wheat.就一面说,主将她种在那里,象一粒麦子一样。

8.I am pken to a grain of wheat which faces one of three futures.我的命运如同一颗麦粒,有着三种不同未来。

9.I am pken to a grain of wheat with one difference.我被比作一颗与别的不同的麦粒。

10.I i am pken to a grain of wheat with one difference.我和一颗麦粒独一不同在于:其实小学生美文欣赏。