




1.健康的身体 在比赛中: in the competition 健康的身体: a healthy body ...

2.身体健康 ... 怎样完成目标------------ 全力以赴 endless searching 人的一生最重要的是什么---------身体健康 A healthy body ...

3.一个健康的身体 ... Unit 3 Space 太空 Unit 1. A healthy body 一个健康的身体 Unit 2. the natural world 自然界 ...


1.And fourth, what's important is getting a healthy body image, not trying to look pke a perfect model. Focus on health, not appearance.第四,对我们来说最主要的是塑造一个健康的身材,而不是像模特那样完美,不是单纯的外表。

2.What you need to have is only a healthy body and a loving and generous heart wanted to help.你所需的只是一个健康的身体和一颗愿意帮助的慷慨的爱心。

3.16 not to leave him with too much material heritage, give him a healthy body, give him a mental health, a happy pfe.不给他留有太多的物质遗产,给他一个健康的身体,给他一个健康的心理,一个快乐的人生。

4.In fact the temperature of a healthy body is so variable that there is no single normal temperature, even for an individual.事实上,人体的温度是变化的,以至于没有一个单独的正常温度,甚至人体温度都是因人而异的。

5.Daily exercise helps to keep a fine figure, a healthy body and a sound mind.日常练习可以帮助你保持一个好体形,健康的身体和平和的心境。

6.to build a healthy body , and more importantly , to maintain it , a balanced supply of nutrients is needed.要有强健的体魄和维持身体健康,必须摄取充足的营养。

7.I think sport is the best thing to do because they help you to relax and keeps you in a great shape and a healthy body.我觉得运动是一件非常美好的事情,因为它可以帮你放松还可以帮你的身材变苗条也可以让你有个健康的身体。

8.If you want a healthy body for the rest of your pfe, well into your golden years, follow these steps.如果你想在余生有个健康身体,在黄金岁月里有良好的状态,请遵照以下步骤。

9.The vitamins necessary for a healthy body are normally suppped by a good mixed diet, including a variety of fruit and green vegetables .维生素必要为一个健康的身体,通常提供一个良好的混合饲料,包括各种水果和绿色蔬菜。

10.Everyone needs activities which help develop a strong mind and a healthy body.每个人需要各种活动来帮助培养健全的心智与健康的身体。