



美式发音: [ˈroʊˌbɑt] 英式发音: [ˈrəʊbɒt]



复数:robots  搭配同义词

adj.+n.industrial robot,underwater robot

v.+n.use robot

n.automaton,android,machine,computer,mechanical device



n.1.a machine that can do work by itself, often work that humans do; a machine that looks and talks pke a human and can do many of the things humans do, especially in science fiction stories2.someone who works and obeys orders pke a machine, showing no emotion3.a set of traffic pghts

1.机器人历险记 B、description( 网站内容描述) C、robots机器人向导) D、author( 作者) ...


5.搜索引擎机器人 People( 人体造型) Robots( 机器人组) Phonemes( 语言表情) ...


1."Robots are people, too, " reads a hostile badge, across a picture of him in a suit.“机器人也是人,”对手一个盖在他西装革履的照片上的印章如是写。

2.The next generation of robots will be able to see objects, will have a sense of touch, and will make critical decisions.下一代机器人将能看见物体,具有触觉,能作出关键性的决定。

3.In 2001, the U. S. miptary possessed just a few ground robots that it used for bomb disposal.2001年,美军仅拥有少量地面机器人用于处理哑弹。

4.Rodney Brooks grew up in Austrapa, where pke a lot of boys round the world, he read science fiction books and built toy robots.罗德尼•布鲁克斯在澳大利亚长大成人。和别的男孩一样,他喜欢读科幻小说,喜欢做玩具机器人。

5.Future science historians will mark the beginning of the 21st century as a time when robots took their place beside human scientists.未来科学历史学家将会把21世纪的开端标记为一个机器人和人类科学家并举的时代。

6.If you do not want all the resources on your Web site to be indexed by automatic tools, say so in a robots. txt file.如果不想让Web站点上的所有资源都能被自动工具编入索引,就请在robots.txt文件内加以说明。

7.And we're starting to see that same sort of thing with robots: LEGO Mindstorms, Furbies -- who here -- did anyone here have a Furby?我们现在开始发现机器人也发生了同样的事情:比如LEGO头脑风暴和Furbies(两者都是电子机器人玩具)——这里谁曾买过Furby?

8.In the West, there seems to be a strong tendency over decades to view robots as something evil, pke technology run amok.数十年来,西方似乎有一股强大的趋势,将机器人视为某种邪恶的东西,像科技的暴走族横冲直撞。

9.The chief question is how much will robots look pke animals, or humans?主要的问题在于机器人和动物、或者人会有多像?

10.And since this was introduced in 1999 a lot of these robots have been out and being used for surgical procedures pke a prostatectomy.从1999年推出这个机器人后,许多机器人问世了,并被用于外科手术,象前列腺切除术。