




1.日本热昇华转印纸最佳,再与韩国热昇华转印纸(F-KOREA)和日本热昇华转印纸A-JAPAN)进行色彩品质比较;并根据印刷后色彩品质、热 …


1.Product or to a Japan or Europe and the United States name, appearance also tried to imitate.比如给产品取个日韩或欧美化的名字,外观也极力模仿。

2.That's a scary number, big enough to pose a real risk that the U. S. economy will get stuck in a Japan-type deflationary trap.这是一个可怕的数字,完全可能让美国经历如同日本一样的衰退。

3."It's undeniable that this will create the image of a Japan that is weak in the face of pressure, " said Yukio Okamoto, a security expert.安全事务专家冈本行夫(YukioOkamoto)表示:“无可否认,这将让人们产生这样一种印象,即日本面对压力脆弱不堪。”

4.Instead, they suggest that we may be heading for a Japan-style lost decade, trapped in a prolonged era of high unemployment and slow growth.相反,我们可能正走进一个类似上世纪90年代日本所经历的“失去的十年”,经济长期陷于低增长和高失业并存的困境。

5.Pressure on the central bank to revalue the yuan? Obviously part of an attempt to infpct a "Japan malaise" on China.对中国央行施加压力以造成人民币升值,显然所有的尝试都是给中国造成一个“日本式的衰退”。

6.But it has been hard to justify in a Japan with such feeble growth momentum and one that has never decisively defeated deflation.不过,在日本这个增长势头如此微弱、从未彻底战胜通缩的国家,这种观点很难站得住脚。

7."Meteor Garden" , a Taiwanese TV series, is an adaptation of a Japan manga (comic).“流星花园”,台湾的电视连续剧,是一个适应的日本漫画(漫画)。

8.How he achieved this has lessons for a Japan still struggpng with the legacy of the burst asset bubble.日本仍在竭力摆脱资产泡沫破裂留下的后遗症。而御手洗取得成就的方式给日本提供了教训。

9.Their extrapolations pointed to a Japan with no children left within a millennium.学者们的推断指出,日本在1000年后将没有儿童。

10.with tatami, push and pull of Georgia camphor wood doors is a significant part of a Japan-style home.与榻榻米一样,推拉式木格樟子门也是构成日式家居的重要部分。