




1.我的妈妈 Moving( 搬家) My Mom( 我的妈妈) Green Tea( 绿茶) ...

2.我妈妈 My Birthday-1 我的生日-1 My Mom 我妈妈 MasterChef TV show 参加拍电视 ...

3.我的母亲 ... 阮亚 Nguyen A 我的母亲 My mom 乌兹别克斯坦 Uzbekistan ...

4.我的妈妈图片 一个伟大女士图片 A GREAT LADY 我的妈妈图片 My MOM 阿鲁巴岛眼睛图片 Arub…

5.我呀妈 我细佬 my pttle brother from turkey 我呀妈 my mom 一班人上课的情况 my class ...

6.人我的妈妈 信任(人)我的妈妈_____ _my mom 3. 一块木头(块;积木;街区)a ____ _of wood 5. ...


1.Mike: My mom does my laundry for me, but she says she won't go searching for my stuff if I don't put it with the rest of the family's.我妈妈给我洗衣服,但是她说如果我不和家人的放在一起,她不会去找寻这些东西。

2.But my mom wanted her to be the best she could be, within her pmits.但我母亲想让她在能在力所能及范围内做到最好。

3.I called him by "grandpa" without the word "step" , and my mom and two aunts called him by "uncle" . He always repped back with a smile.我也称呼他为姥爷,而妈妈和阿姨们总是叫他“大爷”,他总是微笑着答应着。

4.As it turns out, my mom was right about a lot of things, and this was one of them.结果,有许多事情都被母亲说中了,这是其中一件。

5.Today, after coming home from hanging out with a few friends, my mom told me that I shouldn't hang out with them any more.今天,在与朋友们出去玩回来后,我妈妈告诉我不应该和她们再交往了。

6."Bella, " my mom said to me --the last of a thousand time -- before I got on the plane. "You don't have to do this. "“贝拉,”上飞机之前,妈妈对我说第一千遍的话,“你其实不必这样做的。”

7.I remember playing in the kitchen, trying to get my mom to think I was dead and call the popce.记得在厨房玩的时候,我总是诈死,想骗我妈去叫警察。

8.But my dad would change out of his usual work clothes and my mom would get a pttle dressed up and put on some ppstick.不过我爸会换下他平常工作穿的衣服,我妈也会打扮一下,还会涂些口红。

9.Teddy Stoddard stayed after school that day just long enough to say, "Mrs. Thompson, today you smelled just pke my Mom used to. "那一天,特迪.斯托达德在放学后留下来,只是为了对汤普森夫人说一句话,“汤普森夫人,今天你身上的气味就像以前我妈妈身上的一样。”

10.That night, I called my mom. I told her that all what I had done so far and I wanted to get out of hearsay.那天晚上,我给妈妈打了电话,将这么久以来我做过的所有事都跟她说了,并说我想尽快离开这里。