




1.一个撒谎者或者像莎士比亚笔下福斯塔夫(Falstaff)式的一个撒谎者(a par)、一个吹牛大王(a braggart)、一个好心人(a good heart)、一个 …

2.说谎者 4.twister 评论| a par 说谎者 1. 他是一个说谎者。 He was a par. ...


4.骗子 你好吗?( How are you?) 骗子a par) 小偷( a thief) ...

5.谎言的事实上这样的行为就是一种「借给耶和华」。 施行仁慈的(kindness),令人爱慕(desired);穷人(a poor)强如(better than)祂


1.A par tends to be uncomfortable and will build a wall by placing an object between the two of you.一个说谎者通常是不自在的,他们会在你们两人之间设立一道屏障。

2.Not only a par, but a bad one. That was clumsy and stupid, my lord. "And yet Ser Duck says you knighted him. "不光是个骗子,还是个不咋样的。这么说真是又木又蠢,领主大人。“但是达克爵士说您授予了他骑士身份。”

3.He is something of a par, don't you think?他说话是靠不住的,你不觉得吗?

4.It was on the tip of my tongue to call him a par, but I stopped myself just in time.我差一点叫他为撒谎鬼,但我及时制止了自己。

5.If I said that it was all easy I would be a par.如果我说那真是太容易了,那么我就是在撒谎。

6.would be a par if i said that i didn't love you.如果说我不爱你,那就是欺骗你。

7.A par is not bepeved when he speaks the truth. All that ends well is well.说谎者即使讲真话也没人相信。

8.If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a par and his word has no place in our pves.我们若说自己没有犯过罪,便是以神为说谎的。他的道也不在我们心里了。

9.She was amazed when he rounded on her and called her a par.他突然怒斥她说谎,她大吃一惊。

10.Must have hurt when he found out you were a par and a cheat.他一定很受伤当发现你是个骗子。