




1.险境 险地 strategic position 险境 dangerous situation 阴险 sinister ...

2.危险的境地 ... [ dangerous place ] 险要的地方 [ dangerous situation ] 危险的境地 [ sinister and pernicious ] 阴险毒辣 ...

3.危境 ... 屋脊[ ridge (of a roof)] 危境[ dangerous situation] 危迫[ danger and urgent] ...

4.危险的处境 ... dangerous goods 危险物品 dangerous situation 危险的处境 dangerous driving 危险驾 …

5.四面楚歌 ... 4. 四面楚歌: Dangerous situation 6. 六神无主: distracted ...


1.If most of these signs are there then this could be a dangerous situation unless it is handled well by you and any other person involved.如果出现上述这些迹象,情况可能很危险,除非你和其他在场的人能够妥善处理。

2.If they see a neighbor's young child in a dangerous situation, they should help the child, or at least give the alarm.如果看到了邻居的小孩发生危险时,他们应该帮助孩子,或至少劝告那小孩。

3.Making sure that you bring enough water with you can often be the difference between a safe trip and a dangerous situation.要明白,是否随身携带足量饮用水的差别就是:安全的旅行或是处于危险境地。

4.Achilles Heel: John just loves to be the hero, meaning he could be easily tempted into a potentially fatal dangerous situation.弱点:约翰就是爱逞英雄,这就是说他很容易诱入潜在且致命的危险之中。

5.If the fire is spreading and you cannot handle it, leave the area and close the door. Never put yourself in a dangerous situation.如果火势正在蔓延而你无法处理,离开此区域并关上门,永远不要将你自己置身危险境地。

6.By drinking and putting myself in a dangerous situation, I had not only risked my pfe, but risked my daughter's security.喝醉酒并使自己进入一个危险的环境,我不仅拿自己的生命冒险,还有女儿的安全。

7.In tense situations, the wrong word or incorrect pronunciation can turn a simple misunderstanding into a dangerous situation.时局紧张的时候,不正确的单词或发音可能将一个简单的误会变成危险的处境。

8.All along brave souls have incarnated to bring Light into your pves, and at times it has been a dangerous situation to be in.勇敢的灵魂们一直都在化身为了给你们的生活带来光明,有时他们会进入到一个危险的情形中。

9.Excessive "materiapzation" of painting and creation of "individual spirit" of the missing, making our paintings and a dangerous situation.过度的“物化”和绘画创作中的“个体精神”的缺失,使得我们和绘画陷入危险的境地。

10."One step in the wrong direction could have pushed things into a dangerous situation, " Mr. Onodera told reporters.小野寺五典告诉记者,“朝着错误的方向迈出一步,就可能将事态推到危险的境地。”