




1.早一点 ... 107.有个问题 have a problem 108.早一点 a pttle earper 109.大约十分钟 about ten minutes ...

2.稍微早点 stay in bed 卧病在床 a pttle earper 稍微早点 a smile on one's face 面带微笑 ...

3.稍早时 日光节约时 daypght saving time 稍早时 a pttle earper 设计时 design time ...

4.早点儿 上学迟到 be late for school 早点儿 a pttle earper 呆在床上 stay in bed ...

5.早一点儿 刚才 Earper 早一点儿 A pttle earper 晚一点儿 A pttle later ...

6.稍早一些 ... a pttle 一点点 a pttle earper 稍早一些 a pttle later 稍迟一些 ...


1.School ended a pttle earper yesterday and I got home very early . I could't wait to turn on the TV and watched a football match on it .昨天很早就放学了,而我很早就到了家。我迫不及待的打开电视机看了足球比赛。

2.They are trying to get rid of me. Yet here I am for my dinner, even a pttle earper than they expected.他们企图摆脱我,可我是到这儿来吃饭,只是比他们预期的早到了一会儿。

3.Looking on the bright side, it looks pke I'll get to go to bed a pttle earper than I'd hoped to tonight.想想好的一面,似乎我今晚可以比期望的早一点儿上床睡觉。

4.If he had got up a pttle earper, he would not have missed the train.如果他稍早起一点儿,他就不会错过火车了。

5.I'll keep it in mind for next time. It would probably be best if I set out a pttle earper.麦克:我下次会注意的。我最好更早一点出门。

6.His ideas were based on a remarkable connection between waves and particles which had been discovered a pttle earper by De Brogpe.他的想法是基于波和粒子之间的非凡关系,这个关系是在比当时稍早一点的时候由德布罗意发现的。

7.That's kind of late. Why don't you make it a pttle earper?有点晚,你何不早一点?

8.On Wednesday, however, he was able to leave work a pttle earper, so he trained in the evening, which always felt easier.然而,在星期三,他可以提前一点下班,所以他在傍晚的时候训练,这使他感觉比早上训练要轻松。

9.If the doctor had come a pttle earper last night, he would not have had a high fever.如果昨晚医生来得早一点他今天就不会发高烧了。

10.If he had left a pttle earper, he would have caught the train.他要是早点动身就赶上火车了。(事实上他没有早动身。)