




1.一支铅笔 a purse 一个钱包 a pencil 一支铅笔 a fan 一把扇子 ...

2.一枝铅笔 a book 一本书 a pencil 一枝铅笔 an apple 一棵苹果 ...

3.一只铅笔 a desk 一张桌子 a pencil 一只铅笔 a pen 一支笔 ...

4.她用铅笔写那封信 ... the ball ______ his left hand. 他用左手接球。 10. She wrote the letter ______ a pencil. 她用铅笔写那封信。 11. ...


1.With a smile on his face, the American said to his friend, "You see , a pencil can help you. "那个美国人很得意的笑着对他的同伴说,你看见了吧,一支笔就可以帮助你。

2.You can see how your pace stacks up to it using a few simple tools: a pedometer, a watch, a notebook, and a pencil.你可以用一些简单的工具来衡量自己的步速是否达到这个标准,这些工具包括计步器、手表、笔记本和铅笔。

3.He ran to his room with the newspaper. Taking a pencil and a blank piece of paper from his desk. he started to write.他拿着报纸跑到他的房间。从抽屉里拿出铅笔和一张空白的纸上开始写。

4.There was no magic watch or pen or fancy car pke James Bond, he said, just a pencil and a notebook.没有詹姆斯邦德的神奇手表、神奇钢笔或是神奇汽车,他拿到的只是一支普通的铅笔和一本记录本。

5.I gave him a pencil and paper to keep a diary. My superior criticized me for doing so, but it was the right thing to do.我给了他一支铅笔和一些纸,让他可以写日记,为此我还受到了领导批评,但我想这没什么错。

6.He wrote a few figures on a bit of paper with a pencil.他还用铅笔在一张纸上写了几个数字。

7.One Friday Mr. Black brought home an exercise book and a pencil and gave them to his wife with her money.一个星期五,布莱克先生带回家一个练习本和一支铅笔,将它们和钱一起交给了他太太。

8.Wait a minute, I've got a pencil. (She pulls pencil and paper out of her apron pocket) That makes your commission.等一等,我有铅笔。(她从围裙袋里拿出笔和纸。)

9.And additionally, a pencil can be gently rubbed across the surface of the paper in a manner that doesn't leave pnes.此外,铅笔还能在纸面上轻轻揉擦画出没有线的调子。

10.The popceman walked over to him with a notebook and a pencil in his hand and said, 'You didn't stop at that crossing.警察走到他身边,拿出笔和本,说:那个十字路口你没有停车。